

Ask @elerifairy

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what do you think is more unbearable? getting hit by a train in front of your lover or watching your bestfriend snog your mother-in-law?

wow i really dont know what to say to this
the more unbearable one would be watching Kyungsoo die? like whats worse, slight discomfort of having your very fucking soul ripped out of you?

Jongin, between a rock and a hard place? so what is this hard place in which you speak? ;)

Oh my god. It's a figure of speech!

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Jadzia,what do you think of Sehun's tongue twister? should he have put your name in there?

i think that tongue twister is pretty funny, did you try it? (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
no he should not have put my name in there! (゚Д゚)<!!
(♥ó㉨ò) i am glad he didnt
[jadzia xx]

kyungsoo,would u let jongin top? jongin,do u know how to top? lmao jk but would u want to top kyungsoo? :)

holy shit guys ur getting a little personal here dontcha think? its not a question of whether i would LET him thats preposterous, ofc i would allow him if he wanted to.
Um. Yes I know how to top, thank you very much.

do you really hate me,Jongin? D:

Is this the same anon who made me choose between the two designer label or whatever? Then yes definitely!
No, no, I'm only joking: you just put me between a rock and a hard place lol

Prada or Gucci? soy sauce or sesame sauce? buttered toast or oatmeal? towels or bathrobes? heated lube or flavoured lube? ( kaisoo ;) ) last but not least; Krabi or Hawaii?

idk anything about those, theyre fashion labels right? i know nothing. i am a man of the wild: what are clothes?
never tried sesame sauce and i kinda like soy sauce so ill go with that.
toast...btw we call it porridge here i think
bathrobes because you dont have to do some elaborate knot-tying to make it stay up. unless its on jongin, then i like towels ;)
hawaii i guess? it seems less hot. ngl i dont really know much about either place
I am such a huge nerd, why are you giving me fashion thingies to choose between? I hate you, anonymous person -3-
Sesame sauce. Yes.
Toast, oatmeal is nasty. Did you know in Scotland you're supposed to eat it with salt or something? That sounds so gross.
I had to look up heated lube. I have no idea, they both sound cool. But if it's flavoured that's specifically for like...blowjobs and stuff, right? >////< I think I'll choose the heated one because that's for, like, actual sex.
Krabi! Food! Beaches! FOOD!!!

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if you were to write a song about your significant other,what would be the most inspirational thing to inspire you to write it? a) a bar of soap b) a green and blue persian carpet c) a bottle of chocolate flavoured lube d) a book of nursery rhymes. [to any of you peeps who have sigificant others]

well it depends what kind of song im trying to compose, doesnt it
if it was a private one for jongin and nobody else to hear then maybe i'd go with the lube one because it's funny watching him squirm but if i was going to sing it in publc (not that i would, im not into public humiliation) id probably go with the nursury rhymes one? idk
the soap because sehun could do with a wash now and then (jks jks) ( ˘ ³˘)❤
[Jadzia xx]

what's your favourite season,kaisoo? (kaisoo is your couple name,Jongin and Kyungsoo.Just saying~)

i like late summer, early autumn best, because its not blindingly sunny but still warm enough that i dont have to wear extra layers.
kaisoo? is kai meant to be jongin? thats weird lol i think thats his gaming username or something hmm but from what i know about couple names that means that Jongin would be on top right? hahahah change it
My favourite season is summer. Because everything is green and it rains less than spring. Also summer holidays, who can say no to that?
Lol how did you guys come up with that? I know I'm loser but does my xbox username have to be in it?? :( But it's kinda cute I guess....

give me the most legit tongue twister you know,sehun-ah. and try to put your girlfriend's name in between the sentences or phrases. hehe ^^

i dont know any good tongue twisters ahh holy shit and how am i sposed to do that??? omg
hehe but my favourite one is:
I am not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's son but I'll be plucking pheasants, when the pheasant plucker's gone.
but how in the hell do i fit 'Jadwigga' in that?? omg

ok ok i know you guys have only done it once,but what kind of kink do you guys wanna try in future? ;P

omfg guys really? D:
but perhaps something with food, or chocolate sauce that kind of thing
im going to go die in a hole now i hope ur happy
(。・~・。) outside maybe? Against a tree? I don't know...

to jongin and kyungsoo,if you were given a chance to live an alternate universe,what kind of alternate universe would you live?

One pretty much exactly like this one but I'm a werewolf too, so I don't have to rely on Kyungsoo to save me all the time...... and also I would have to be rich. Money is never a bad thing ^_^
Yeah that way I could have all the expensive gaming stuff I want and never have to do any work !! Ahh I'm so lazy...
i wanna live in a world where i could just be a wolf an not have to hide it. i know theres probably some other types of so-called 'mythical creatures' out there too, so they could all come out of the proverbial closet too and nobody would go chasing us down and killing us simply for being different. i guess what im talking about is acceptance, a world where people dont judge people. well actually i dont mind the judging bit as much,i dont like the 'let's kill them' part but whatever.
or maybe just one where there are lots of dragons. dragons are fucking awesome

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hey kyungsoo,what does blaidd usually say about jongin that makes you so flustered and frustrated? ;)

have you ever had a crush on someone, then when you're talking to that someone you suddenly imagine both of you kissing or something? blaidd sends me that kind of thing, but more shall we say m-rated. and it's worse that just normal people because i have no control over what he shows me, and it gets very heated sometimes. Other times he just barks things at me, like 'KISS! KISS!' etc its VERY annoying.

hey jongin,how do you think the other wolves (kyungsoo's parents) will react once they find out you and kyungsoo have cough mated cough? ;)

Well, Kyungsoo's dad will probably just look at him and KNOW, you know? And then he'll keep doing the knowing parent thing, which is obnoxious in a way but also kind of funny, maybe tease us some. His mum won't say anything I think, even though she probably wants to. It's my mum I'm more worried about, since in werewolf culture, mating with your, well, mate is sort of expected after a certain time together, but with normal humans it's....less acceptable? I don't really know why, but there it is. Maybe it's because part animal=less squeamishness?
Anyway, back to the question: they won't say anything but they'll let us know that they know lol

Post some funny animated GIF.

This one makes me laugh every time I see it. It's not even that funny, why am I laughing??? >:o

jongin do you still feel embarassed about your hurt hand??

Yes, sometimes. Some days I feel more self-concious than others, and I've started putting it in my pocket out of habit. If I'm with my family, or Kyungsoo or friends e.t.c then I don't mind as much. It's when I get those LOOKS from people I've never met before: its really uncomfortable :(
It's like. A part of me is missing, and it's never going to come back again no matter how much i want it to, so it's not so much embarrassment there. I am slowly (with a lot of help: Kyungsoo says he loves me no matter what I look like, even if i turned into a cat, which is saying something apparently) beginning to not hate that part of myself.

What makes you wake up each morning?

Usually it's Kyungsoo. Not like, 'the knowledge that he will always be there' or whatever sappy nonsense but literally, he wakes me up. Sometimes he utilises his superior strength to throw me out of the bed. Best boyfriend ever, right?

Is it wrong to kill animals for human consumption?

it is definitely not wrong, as long as it's just to eat them and not to make them suffer (only cats play with their food, the sadistic bitches)
i am a carnivore: i know these things

How many slices of pizza do you usually eat?

an entire large pizza, and some of jongin's too if he'll let me

Who are you?

i am not someone you want to mess with, thats for sure
what kind of bs question is this, am i supposed to answer about my personality? or what..? idgi?

Hum, that's not a question, but, I WANNA BE A WEREWOLFFFFFFFFFFFF

well there isnt really an easy way of going about that, darling, unless you dont mind being literally TORN to FUCKING PIECES by one i would abandon this dream like....now
Liked by: Fairinspirit

Jadwigga, how did you meet Sehun ? Was it at a soccer match ? I forgot >~<

it wasnt at a match, it was at training. because my little brother plays football at this club, and since i can drive i usually get saddled with the task of picking him up afterwards. and then one time Łowczyni was acting all weird- she was alert for once and sniffing around- and then we both saw sehun and it was seriously like love at first sight! he's so cute and handsome!
but i couldn't talk to him for months. Łowczyni was getting so annoyed with me because i kept blowing every chance i got then finally she made me corner him and i asked him out. he said yes and he was extremely cute because he was nervous (i could smell it) and then he was really happy which made me really happy and then we both hugged and he said he'd liked me for a while and yeah it was nice. (。♥‿♥。)
[Jadzia xx]
Liked by: Fairinspirit


Language: English