
Dylan Falcon

Ask @falcondylan

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What is one of your favorite foods?

Burgers. Tacos. Pizza. Burritos. Wings. Hot pockets. White Castle sliders. You know teenage stuff. And Doritos.

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What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Vanilla. And don't throw no chocolate chips in there. Vanilla Gang or Die.

What do you most value in your friends?

A non asshole who gets mad at every little fucking thing you do. Cough. Cough

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

I can't read. Nor can I see. Being that I can't do either. Go fuck yourself

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

Wolves. But you know what? WE DON'T FUCKING HAVE ANY! FUCK

What’s your favorite clothing brand?

For shirts, I'm not real picky. Rebel 8 is one of my favorites. For pants/shorts. volcom and empyre.

What is your idea of paradise?

Unlimited menthol cigarettes. Sitting on the beach. Watching the sunset. Every night.


Language: English