

Latest answers from Fariihaaa

Samina told me he was lying cos he made a bet tag the could get any type of girl even asian

what? Who's samina? who are you? who's sohaib?

Oh my GOD I am sooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly sorry your not sohaibs girlfriend please please please don't take notice I'm so sorry

yeah erm..thats what I said, don't say shit about me and doubt my modesty because no I'm not a slut and I don't do nudes, but you apologised so I forgive you, how did you find out I was telling the truth?

Alright who's sohaib then? Hmmm I wonder?! I'm not fucking stupid I know cuz I talked to him nd he told me you was his girlfriend nd u sent him nudes

he lied to you babes, I don't know him LOOOOL

Pakistanis and Bengalis - yay or nay

it depends, they can either be really ugly or really good looking

Big head much and btw you're just jelos of me and Sara

big headed*
can't help it if I'm smarter than you and how I can I be jealous of someone on anon pretending they're tight with sara LOOOL I think you're a bit jealous of me

Language: English