

Ask @fashfoodx

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What is the best way to deal with stress?

I'm not the best person to ask when it comes to stress tbh..
but what I find works best for me is to just to clear your mind of any distractions, be it deadlines or whatever the root of your stress may be - do not focus on them. Count to 10.
Stress is often a mental battle, so usually, half the battle is won when you're able to draw inner confidence. Just believe in your ability to be able to overcome whatever obstacle is causing you stress.
I'm not the best with such advice but I hope it helps! x

Where would you like to get married

Why? You want to marry me? HAHA.
Probably a nice hotel banquet in SG. Or in another country like the Maldives? Haven't really thought about it yet..

Where else did you apply to when you were applying to unis?

1) Manchester
3) Reading
4) Westminster
5) Leicester

what's your favourite handbag that you own

probably my chanel 2.55 in the small size (i think thats the style name?) - its rather small but still fits all my essentials

did you like SJII?

for the most part I did! sec school days were actually my most enjoyable time in education.. hahah

How often do you change your hairstyle?

Hardly ever, but I actually just changed it! Such a refreshing change but I still kinda miss my "old" hair :(

What makeup do u use

Don't really experiment much with makeup. Usually just keep it natural so here's just a list of the basics I use on a regular basis:
Foundation - chanel vitalumiereaqua / Nars sheer glow
Powder - pigeon baby powder
Eyeliner - Urban decay (black in zero)
Mascara - cover girl / Dior show
Lipstick - Dior lip glow / Dior addict lipstick
Highlight - benefit high beam

Do you care what other people think of you?

in a way yes, in terms of how I want to be perceived as a person through my actions. but for the most part, no, especially when it comes to petty high school ish gossip.

How many languages can you speak and what are they?

2 & 1/4's. 2 being English & Chinese. 1/4 being Spanish since I'm pretty rusty at it now

Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

none. not really into re-watching unless its a really long time since I've last seen the movie

Where do you shop the most?

been doing quite abit of online shopping recently in terms of clothing. asos, nastygal, revolveclothing, topshop (loving their stuff this season), zara, urban outfitters. pretty standard really..


Language: English