

Ask @FatenF

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can ur next post be about fitness? pleaaaaase

I already planned out my next post & it's not gonna be about fitness because it's not really going to be helpful during ramadhan.. I'll do it in August/September x

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What was the last present you received?

A Brief History of Time + The Universe In A Nutshell by Stephan Hawking from my bro.

Who is a better hero in your opinion? A) Someone that fights crime in the eyes of the public, promoting his morals while risking the infatuation of fame B) Someone that fights crime in the shadows, protecting his sense of morality

Mr. Do-do

what foundation should i use if i want to cover zits snd some redness ? (drugstore)

Try out cc/bb creams and just apply concealer to your problem areas. Don't suffocate your skin with foundation just to cover it, let it breathe but at the same time cover. x

Best lipsticks for really fair skin?

I'm not sure if you want ACTUAL shades or just colors... Anyways;
Deep vampy colors, a red-ish pink, pink-ish nudes, bright coral, and bright pink look, and a blue-toned red looks amazing with fair skin. Those are most of the colors that I gravitate to when shopping for new lipsticks x

I want nice outfits 7g 3eed bs mub sleeveless wla above the knees, my family's religious so lol bs can u help

- A long black maxi dress with a crop jean jacket and gold chains and sandals.
- A patterned maxi skirt with a short-sleeved white lace shirt and sandals.
For eid, I prefer more dressier looks but tell me if you want casual looks:D

Your still a kid!

I'm technically in my 2nd year(almost) of teenagehood lol but yeah you can say that.

Hey faten how much are mac eyeshadow dupes?

Mac eyeshadows cost 9 bd & dupes mean alternatives... what do you mean by that?

How to use hair mask and what should i do to have thick hair?:c

Usually you should just apply it from the ears down unless the product instructs you to put it on your roots... I have a post talking about hair masks(Valentine's Day: Girl's Night In) so go find it!x

My skin is dry/combo and I just need something to cover my redness

Try Rimmel's Match Perfection or the Myabelline Mousse foundation x

يرجا الدعاء لنور كامل العنزي بالشفاء من مرض السرطان، جزاكم الله خيراً

الله يشفيها ان شاء الله


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