

Ask @FatenF

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Hi, I UPDATEED my blog:') Reaad? xx http://thatblogwow.blogspot.com/

Some are good tips aside from 1, 4, & 6. 1, because it's kind of immature and childish to be blaming others for what you've done, Even if you do have a 'partner in crime', there's no reason to drag them into whatever problem you have if YOU got caught. I recommend you to do the opposite of that tip. 4, because 'fake' crying isn't the solution for everything. Obviously, you've gotten detention for a reason. There's no reason to be a baby and started crying just to get out of a problem. Just like 1, own up to your troubles. Next time don't do the mistake you did so that you don't end up getting detention. & lastly, 6, because having boys to like you isn't the most important thing in the world. SMILE because life's beautiful not for boys. xx
Liked by: Sara M3mari yas

so what do you think?

That poem was so enlightening, walla. I'm so surprised that you wouldn't want that to be seen! It was pretty amazing and quite inspiring. It's so reassuring to see that there are such in the world that actually REALIZE what's going on around then and don't just turn the cheek. It's absolutely shocking yet incredible how you managed to put such strong words of righteousness in beautiful rhythm.

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What would you do if you were in a salon & saw a woman waxing her fanny & her clit got waxed off & got stuck in the waxing paper?

1. This is actually disgusting, what sort of question is this?
2. In waxing salons, each woman has her own room so I wouldn't really 'see' it:)
3. That's not physically possible.
4. It's wax STRIP.
Liked by: 7aidan

Meta betsafren?x

It was planned to be on August but the flights were full so I'm either not travelling to Thailand & going somewhere else or not travelling at all. :/

I didn't understand how u see how many viewers u have x_x, can u like highlight it and capture please I'm sorry but I didn't understand

Well, for me I have a view counter so that's how I usually see. Or, you could go to your blog(ex:fromheadtostilettos.blogspot.com) and then click the button 'design' on the top right of the page. On the left hand side, you'll see the word 'posts'. Then you'll see your page views. It looks something like this;

Do u want to gain or lose weigh?

I don't know o.o I'm so indecisive I swear ugh but atm I'm loving my body & the way I look el7emdillah x

"La is for female and le is for male" then why did u use to say LE MOTHER ? Dude you dont embarras urself ROFL

Liked by: Diaboo

Which one would you prefer for yourself & which one would you prefer for someone that is close to you? A) A very short life filled with extreme happiness & joy B) A long life that is mostly tasteless & gloomy

Mr. Do-do
Liked by: Mr. Do-do

you have to watch the roommate! i have a feeling you'll like it x

I watched it like 4 times! I love it!

stop asking urself questions about makeup so you could show people that you know all about it. and chill yours balls

HAHA! Shd5al! Mayeswa 3alay wa7da s2latny! I barely ever get questions about makeup and when I do, I'm asking myself aha okay love. & I don't really need to 'show' people, almost everyone knows already.. After all, I DO run a beauty blog.

your really good in makeup tips:c teach me?

Thank you! Makeup is like my PASSION. I love putting it on myself & putting it on others. Yeah, of course I'll help you. Just ask me whatever you need to know and I'll be more than happy to help!:D
Liked by: fatima Mk Malaak

I love all the movies you recommended! Easy A, pobaw & sinisterr are my fav! Can you say some more I'm sure we have the same taste in movies then :D

Yay, I'm glad you loved them!
-Jennifer's Body.
-The Art of Getting By.
-The Hangover 1&2&3.


Language: English