

Ask @FatenF

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http://ask.fm/FatenF/answer/24670449900 Did you talk to him? If so, did it work out?

Nope... I haven't talked to him after that, I didn't want to be clingy but if I could go back in time, I'd do exactly what I advised you to do. Now we're friendly and all and I miss talking to him:/ so don't do the same mistake I did.

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So there's this guy who used to love me, now he we're in a fight and he says he can't decide what feelings he has. But I'm tired of not talking to each other! I also don't want to apologize since he'd think I'm all over him. What to do? :c

Omg. Are you me? I've been in this EXACT situation! Just talk to him, be courageous. Don't wait too long because you'll probably end up losing him for good. As I said, talk to him and confess your feelings; it might be a risk but at least you won't be in this state and your mind will be made up and you'll be able to move on. Good luckk x

Faten, I really wanna be your friend, bas a5af ena you revoke me :( xo

I won't 'revoke' you(fyi that was the wrong word to use x)), I'm not that mean...
Liked by: Jude ♛

i love your eyebrows xoxoxoxox <3333333333333333333

I'm not sure if this is sarcasm cause of the amount of 'xo's and 3's but nevertheless, thanks.

your eyebrows are really big mashallah, which is a pretty thing la2na you can shape them the way you want to.

I hate a love/hate relationship with my eyebrows tbh, they're just there. I barely care for them anymore other than getting them done once a month('cause I'm a lazy mofo) but soon I'll be making them a tad bit thinner..

favorite fashion blogs?

I have manyy, I love reading fashion blogs and being inspired. I can't think of any right now other than dulcecandy.com 'cause I was actually browsing through her blog right now:D Her style is the perfect combination of class and glamor and I could totally see myself recreating her looks. + She's one of my favorite Youtube beauty gurus!
Liked by: Kuleed

Faten one time I had to cross the river and I couldnt so I was crying and then the stack of woods next to me turned into a boat... << thoughts? Be honest.

What is this supposed to be? A poem, a riddle, what?

Hello people! I guess I didn't ask for a long time xD ok the question is: "Who understands you the most?"

No one does really.. My brother can be understanding at times and Buda?
Liked by: no

Hey faten ? Do u have a dad ? Cause u don't mention him or something ? Lol sorry but I'm just wondering you know :c ? No offence x

Yes I have a dad o.o.. In what way? I barely mention my mom either :p none taken x

انتي شفيج تتلزقين في ناس و بعدين تتمصلحين عليهم و تهدينهم ايولوون و تروحين خق ناس غير عقب؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Ishda5al? W ana matla9ag?:L

tra etha7k el shay enach yaz3m adviser =))

Ishda5al=))? Tra I don't go around telling people to ask me for advice, they just do w ya3ni I'm not gonna judge them for it, I don't mind really.


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