

Ask @FatenF

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If the world was created by ur imagination, how would it look/be like?

I'm not very imaginative and I'm too lazy to think but I'm fine with the world now.
Liked by: Sara

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what does a player mean? and what do u look in a guy ? who is this guy u have feelings for in kanoo ? answer if u want ? how did u meet buda ?

Omg sh'hal as2la.. Player means wa7d yel3ab 3l banat. I don't look for anything in a guy, if I like you then I like you. Mn9jkom 3abalkom baktb esma hnee?=)) Bless your hearts. And omg why does it even matter

Yaza3am tby et3adl som3at'ha=)))

sOm3at'ha ha?=)) w entai ish7arach? Abi a3adlha wla ma a3adlha hay shay ma e59ich at all, and you really don't have to mock me for doing so.. God, those 4 words truly pissed me off. Fuck off hoe
Liked by: no

stick to 1 guy ;p lash every 2 to 3 months it'3ayreen, 9ara7a mtgdreen it3adleen sm3tch itha you just keep changing your mind, I know it's not of my business,but take my advice,it shdnt be viral&spreaded This doesn't have to be posted if you don't wish to reply, just take my words to consideration:)

Obviously you don't know me 'cause I've been 'sticking' to this guy for almost a year:D fa please hun, get your facts right gabl la accuse you of being and doing something I'm not because you're more than wrong. Ishda5al every 2 to 3 months a'3yr? Walla it'97keeni, you think you know me and you know my story bs you have NO idea. Sm3iti 3adla tbh bs ana I'm just showing people I could change if I wanted to, I'm doing this for ME. I can go back talking to guys any day I want, w hay shay kaifi w in MY power. You're advice is irrelevant and inane and I wasted my time reading something ever so useless.
Liked by: shod▼

i hate myself for having a crush on a player :c u know that feeling where u try to convince yourself that he isnt a player but deep inside u r inclined that he is a player o mraafj kl banaat el 3alam

Walla a3arf e7sasich! I've been in your position countless of times! walla it's hard w you can't do anything else than rather to change him and if he really loved you he would:') ugh players suck.
Liked by: ♡ Fay ♡


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