

Ask @gaymerwaxman

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what champs and role do you main in LoL? what division are you in?

Temmo, Yasuo as top and sup lane.
When I became sup, I will pick the one of them sometimes. no troll. Otherwise, I will pick adc champs, because in last season, it showed that pro who pick adc are almost in the top of Challenger. So I tried to pick them, and play hard, finally I'm feeder obviously.
According to last season status, I was in Sliver 1. I have never played in new season. So it's unranked like Bronze 5.

has your dad ever heard you "talking alone" but in English? .w. that must be weird...

Ah... When I spoke Japanese on my stream, my father did ;;
Liked by: O Thodori

Why is some anime show over midnight?Do Japaneses stay up late?

Because those anime is becoming hentai anime like R18.


Language: English