

Ask @gaymerwaxman

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Why does Asian suck at English? Dont you learn English in school?

Japanese people have some English classes since 12 years old.
But almost Japanese people that play games suck at English ( I saw that Japanese people wrote anything in English, it was terrible). .

Is it normal in Japan to have sex with little girls?

No idea.
It is not normal for me;;
I dunno why hentai people love little girls.

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Why do you hate Hentai people? Being gay is just as bad as liking Hentai. You all have mental issues :)

For example, hentai people said I want your skin. That skin has some hentai voice.
I guess they only want hentai voice( Reimu's skin or my skin ).
So I hate hentai people.

teach me japanese pls

hello = こんにちは
Are you hentai? = あなたはへんたいですか?
I wanna have sex with you = やらないか?
Liked by: BJ

Do you like answering these questions?

Of course, If I answered any questions my English would be improved. :D
Thanks guys.

I think that you are a virgin, because you are a afraid of taking a big dick in your ass.

I will leave it to your imagination.
If my dick was small, I would try to fap so hard.
So I pretty sure that my dick would be grown. :D

Can you strip for us on cam? I would enjoy that very much.

I hate hentai people, and I will get hentai people banned.
So no one would enjoy that on my stream.

Are you a virgin? Because I heard that japanese men dont have sex before marriage cuz their penis is small.

You can guess whether or not I am a virgin.
Sometimes, some of them can have sex before marrige.
Japanese ╰⋃╯ is smaller than American one.

I didn't mean nightbot, I meant boyumi chan, I downloaded it but it only works with skype and I want to add twitch!

Sorry, If I did that for you it would take 69 years. ;;

please multiplayer with viewers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You mean you wanna have sex with them?
I hate you. I hate hentai people.
No multiplay.
No 3p!

How do I add the bot to twitch? I can't see an add button, please show!

Nightbot → http://www.nightbot.tv/index


Language: English