
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Hey you know you actually look really familiar..? I don't want to reveal my identity (as I'm sure you really hate me but I don't hate you but I'm not sure, aha) but uh is your name actually Xinnin?

Wait what why would I hate you
and I go by Xinna but no it's an alias :P

Question 2: What are your thoughts on dress codes? Are they too strict? Should they be enforced in all schools?

School dress codes are primarily sexist towards women and promote the idea that so much as a fucking shoulder is just UNBEARABLEEEEE to be seen. What the actual fuck.

I'm going to do another psychology themed spam. If you do not want to receive it, let me know. If any of the questions make you uncomfortable, ignore them. Please no one word answers. Question 1: Does many actually buy happiness? Why or why not?

Money gives you access to a better quality of life; someone with money to spare won't stress about their budget. However, not all rich people are happy and not all poor people are depressed. Happiness can be found in all walks of life

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Question 2: Do you think those who have a legitimate fear of public speaking be given a bit of leniency when asked to do public presentations? Why or why not? (I mean leniency as not forced to do the presentation or they only have to give the presentation to the teacher instead of all the students)

It's ableist not to give someone with actual anxiety about public speaking an alternative

Question 7: Why do you think society makes people who have mental illnesses out to be dangerous and violent?

Neurotypical people fear what they do not understand

Question 2: What job could you never see yourself doing?

Anything involving bodily fluids/manure, sewage, disgusting smells or slaughtering animals

Question 3: Can intelligence really be measured by standardized tests?

Tests, report cards and other assessments do not reflect one's true intelligence in some cases.

Question 4: Do you think schools should promote learning about mental illnesses? Why or why not?

Schools need to educate on mental illness to ward off the ableism that is branded into our heads as children.

Question 6: Do you believe murderers can ever be rehabilitated? Why or why not? (Rehabilitated means restore someone to health or normal life by training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.)

Once you murder someone, you can't take it back. Even once rehabilitated you just cannot trust them.

clean your room and dont shoot the hippies

Lol so I offer to accompany someone bc they needed like someone there bc they were meeting someone for the first time and they cancel plans on me
GOOD I didn't wanna go anyway lol ur barely my friend


omg I'm sorry I've been off snapchat! I'll accept it now <3

Question 5: What is your opinion on conversion therapy? Do you think it's inhumane? (Conversion therapy is any "treatment" that aims to change sexual orientation. For example, homosexual to heterosexual) (you can ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable!)

Conversion therapy should be illegal, the end, people should never be forced to change their sexuality because cishet society deems it unacceptable

you are now the owner of the last store you were in

If Starbucks counts then I am the proud owner of Starbucks
Go me, I am the ultimate white girl


Language: English