

Ask @grannysmack

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why wont you answer :/ if your bf was that big would yu be happy


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Hey  I am a virgin and me and my bf will most likely be having sex soon, its something I really want just want some advice to stop it from hurting, he has a big dick and a little worried it might be too big

and you're asking me because?.. ahahahahaaaaaa

Tia you are beaaaaautiful remember that I don't want to start conversation with you because I know you have a boyfriend but I'm always here if you need someone to chat to!:-) if you can guess who I am that is.. <3

I have no idea who this is but thank you

I noticed you watch gossip girl now, do ylu know vannessa if you had green eyes you would look just like her

I wish ahahaha

no my eyesight is just fine Hun, you've just gone extremely hot since high school

urm thank you stranger, I guess


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