

Ask @grannysmack

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WHAT kind of guy do you look for

well I like green/blue eyes, long but not too long hair, dimples, taller than me, smell nice, playing guitar is always a good thing and anyone who looks like chris drew tbh :/ and and and someone who likes the same music as me and, yeah... or Rich from skins

Will you please do me a fan sign

no because it would be a blank piece of paper BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE. STOOOOOPID FAM

post picture of lock screen please ..

is this the same person that asked me last time, i don't understand why you want to know e_e but it's a really cool lock screen so here u go

laksjdhfgfgrtrgfhdyfhawesdrtfyuiop[[;oilhjugtfrdszxcvbnjkl;[p0o9iuytrfdcvbnm, vbgiopoiuyyttrewsfghjkl;lkhgfdsxgfdsfrsdrbdekkajhhbn jkmjhbv nkmihjugytvb njuhygtgbhjubgytfgbhugtfv bhnjhuhtfghjnkijhugytfgfhjniuhygtfrfgbhjkhjuygtfghnjkijhuygtfghjkliuyygfbn mkjhhgbnm,lkiuhbnm,kjhgvbnmkjhgbvnmjhgbnmjhnjh


I've been in a long term relationship and it just ended and I feel horrid. I've come to you because you always seem calm even if you're not. what shall I do?

have a spliff, of course


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