
Matilda Johansson

Ask @healthyfoodgram

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haha wtf, det dära svaret hade jag aldrig förväntat mig xD hade du faktiskt vågat prutta i mitt ? :O :<

Ja jag vågar det mesta

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Hey Matilda, do you count macros and if yes what calculator are you using to determine how much of everything you should eat? :)

No I don't and I actually don't really suggest doing it

are cereals bad to eat, even the "healthy" ones?

Many cereal brands are claimed to be "healthy", good for diet etc but what you really need to do is to check the content labels. Most cereals contains sugar which obviously not is to suggest when trying to eat healthily.
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

Hey :) do you have any experience with "WHEY" or "Malto95"?? How can you keep yourself so motivated? like, omg, i'm so lazy...

hi :) No I've not tried any of them sorry. My goals keep me motivated, and the thought of how I feel after a workout and how good I feel when I eat healthily :)
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

Bästa nyttigaste brödet?

Grejen är att jag vet knappt ngt bröd som är sådär supernyttigt egentligen, det bästa är nog att göra eget. Dock äter jag ett surdegsbröd som heter typ råglycka från pågen just nu :)
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

Hello! So I'm not sure if you still use this ask.fm but I just wanted to say that you are such an amazing motivator and have such a healthy outlook, treating yourself every now and then but still majority "Clean" and exercising a lot but not overboard :) just wanted to tell you that! Hope you're hav

thank you thank you thank you!! Stuff like this makes me so happy :)
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

Hey! I'm currently in the process of losing weight and just having a more healthy lifestyle. I've currently lost 8 1/2 kg and eager to loose heaps more!! Just wondering do you have any tips for me that will help me to improve my lifestyle and loose even more weight? P.s I think your amazing!!

Keep doing what you are doing, eat well, don't starve and get moving :)
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

What do you use daily to sweeten your tea?

I drink my tea without anything added to it, i's a getting used to-thing. Squeezed lemon, stevia or honey would be some ideas if you would like to add some flavor or sweetness into it though :)
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

Is honey healthy ? Can I eat it a little more of it in the evening, for example with green tea ? many people told me it's not good, because it includes many calories. But I'm addicted to honey omg i eat so much of it hahaha / btw i love your instagram, it's such an inspiration for me! :-) xx

It really depends upon whether the honey is raw or processed... what u need to do is simply to check the content labels and look for the most natural honey u can possibly find. There are actually benefits of honey as well, google it and see. Thank u so much for the cred !! XX
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

I know it sounds weird, but.. What is protein powder ? And what is it good for ? For example, it's in the recipe for the pancakes. What is the use of protein powder and where can i buy it ?

It's basically a powder which contains protein! Protein helps building muscle, for example when you've worked out it's good to have something protein rich to help your muscles recover. Some people think that protein will give you big ass muscles in just a few days and therefore they avoid using protein powder but in fact it's super hard to build muscle so don't be afraid of that. We all need protein and a person who is working out protein powder is a perfect to get a lil extra of it. U can buy protein powder in fitness stores and at online stores. You'll have to google that cause I don't know any international online stores. I hope your question was answered otherwise just google whatever u wanna know :-) / Matilda
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

As you may of felt before, when you go for a run or have a really good workout and feel amazing after... You feel hungry but don't want to eat which is physiological because you don't want to 'ruin' how you're feeling? Any chance you could help what you could eat before and after workouts?

I'm sorry but I have to say screw that feeling. Your body needs food especially after working out, in order to recover! What you actually do when NOT eating after working out is ruining. The body needs energy!Have something light if that makes u feel better, have water and some protein and veggies. Eventually a car runs out of gas, what does it need?
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

hi:) I'm on vacation right now visiting my family in Europe for the past month and a half and I find it really hard to stay in shape. I can't go running because my mom thinks ill get lost and I'm trying to eat healthy but I still look like I gained some weight.can u give me some help on what to do:)

Hey :) I can see what your mom says but what if you just run back and forth in one area? It may feel weird but whatever right? :D Some tips, look for healthy options when eating out, order an extra salad as a side, buy fruits at a grocery store to keep in your bag, drink water regularly. But remember something, you're on vacation and it's okay to treat yourself also. Sometimes it's a waste eating the healthy option instead of trying something new that is special for the country you are in for example.. I ate almost only unhealthy meals for basically two weeks when I was on vacation lol... I just tried to live without thinking too much for a while :) xoxo
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

hi matildaa :) , how are you?? I have a concern ,can you pls tell me if eating oatmeal at night make you gain weight cuz i have been searching about eating oatmeal with bananas/apples at night but I haven't had many responses i hope you're enyoing your vacations btw :*

hi :) eating at night does not make u gain weight, however you burn less calories when you are asleep / at night / in the evening... so in the long run, maybe... I'm honestly not 100% sure about this. If you eat more cals for what is ideal for your weight, you'll eventually gain and the other way around. Go ahead and eat your oatmeal but personally I try to eat less carbs in my evening meal. <3
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡

tell me some healthy food please

all natural foods. Go to my instagram healthyfoodgram and you'll see tons of healthy food! All lean meats, all veggies, all fruits, no sugar etc etc etc
Liked by: Bethany mota ♡


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