
pepe princess

Ask @helloitsruby

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What's the biggest rule you have ever broken?

idk probably when me and my favorite cousin stole someone else's ice cream lol
i went to the bathroom and i asked him to get me ice cream and he said sure and when i came back the man working at ben and jerrys was like "order 47? order 47?" and he told me the person that actually ordered it was with his wife across the food court and he took it anyways
it all worked out in the end because the flavor was good lol

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BONUS: If you follow me, what exactly made you follow me? If you don't follow me, then no need to even answer this question!😅

I follow you because then I get to see the other people's answers as well😹

Q8. If we could, do you think people should be able to text 911 instead of being limited to just calling them? Why/why not? Do you feel as if this would be more helpful in situation where you're not capable of actually talking? What would be the advantages & disadvantages of this?

this is definetly helpful. what if your hiding from someone dangerous and if you call them, it'll tell the person where you are? NOT helpful.
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Q7. "There's two kinds of laws: One for the rich and one for the poor." What are your thoughts on this? Do you find this to be true? How so? Do you rich people have more privileges than the poor? How can we change that? What make someone rich and poor?

i think they do. people respect rich people more than the poor, therefore they are not equal people in lots of peoples eyes.
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Question 2: What are your thoughts on piercing a baby's ears? Do you think it's plain unnecessary/harmful? Why?

i got my ears pierced as a baby. as the kid grows up, if they decide they don't want their piercing anymore they can stop wearing earrings to close up the hole. that's what I did! and it looks really cute on the baby!:)
Liked by: Spam Questions gabs

Q6. Is it right that judges sentence people to over 100 years of life in jail? Do you think there's a certain point behind it? Do you think it makes more sense to give them a regular sentence, such as 35 years instead of 100? Not many people live for 100 years, so why do it?

it doesn't make sense. if they were a serial killer, sure. they aren't going to murder anyone at 135 years of age. however, why not just say sentenced for life? honestly.
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Q5. Despite your view on trigger warnings, should teachers censor certain words they say around students due to possible triggers? Why/why not? By doing that, would it be too time consuming or do you think it would be helpful for the students?

teachers should definetly do so. i love my math teacher, but he describes himself as "oh im ocd on my handwriting." that triggers me.
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Question 1: Do you think taking selfies are considered to be narcissistic/conceited or a way to boost one's self confidence? Why?

selfies are to be posted to share with our friends. none of this boost self esteem stuff.
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Q4.pt2. What about people who don't believe in God? Is that forcing religion down people's throats? If you don't believe in God, how does people who do this make you feel? Do you participate?

all people have their beliefs, and i respect that. i believe in god, but people are allowed to have their opinions. people need to back off and stop harrassing others.
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Q2. "Nobody gave me the right to freedom. I was born with it and screw anyone who tries to take that away." Agree/disagree? Were we really born into freedom or were we given it? Maybe both? How so? What are your thoughts on this?

we were given it. we weren't born into it, no matter what the historic documents say, its all fake.
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Q3. Do you think that all murders could be justified with a mental illness? Why/why not? Why do you we automatically assume that just because someone killed someone, they must have a mental illness? Can a person who doesn't have a mental illness be capable of killing?

definetly. mental illnesses are given stereotypes. someone can be perfectly "healthy" and still kill one person. look at all the stupid terrorists.
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Q4.pt1. Today at an assembly that was being held, the class president went up and gave her speech. Before she gave it, she asked everyone to pray with her. Do you think that it's okay for people to do this?

no. every person has their own beliefs. that was a disrespectful thing for her to do.
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Do you think people with mental illnesses should take medication no matter how severe? Why?

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no. if they want to take it, they should. i, for one, don't, but the doctor did recommend it so it wouldn't get worse. it did, but im not letting medication define me.
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Question 1: What are your thoughts on people who send anon hate or any hate for that matter? Why do you believe they do it? How do you react when you receive hate?

i think they're just too coward to say who they really are. i don't react to it, they're too big of a bitdh to tell me who they are. not my problem.
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Describe your best friend!

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(doing real life)
she's beautiful, tall, has the best eyebrows, cringes at cheesy messages, has strong opinions that I agree with her on(that's why we're best friends), and is always committed. she never fails to listen to my problems.
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