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If there's this hypothetical girl, and I hypothetically like her, but I'm hypothetically unsure as to whether she feels the same, would it be hypothetically creepy if I hypothetically asked her out?

Charganium’s Profile PhotoJonathan Renna
I'm hypothetically telling you that you hypothetically should try to ask out this hypothetical girl :)
Liked by: Jonathan Renna
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I'm graduating next year. I somehow have never really gotten over my first crush which I had in the 8th grade. I keep saying in my head that I'm over her but my heart feels otherwise. She was with me till the 12th. Now I'm here in India and she's in Atlanta.

You can keep contact with her or you need to meet new people! Try to get to know them and have fun with them. People are here to give you new experiences :) Take the chance!

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Have you ever discussed this with someone? ~Νινα

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discuss with him :)

New question: How do I ask someone out?

It depends on what your first date will be... :) Just sound friendly ;)

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Phone numbers is a private information and you are not allowed to ask for it if you don't know the person personally. ~Nina

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Find thing that make you happy. Hang out with your friends ;) They will make you feel better <33 ~Nina

Hey Konstantina I want to ask you something. Well, I like a boy who is one year older than me. I always catch him look at me while the lessons and sometimes we speak. What should i do? :/

Get to know him ;) Be his friend so he can understand your feeling for him ^^ Boys adore friendships <33 ~Konstantina

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