
it's a good thing i'm drunk

baekyeol - baek is all grudgingly endeared/aroused by chanyeol's dork-ass guitar playing, cue WHAT'S A LITTLE STRUMMING BETWEEN FRIENDS etc n__n

"i'm trying to sleep," baekhyun snaps, lifting his head from his pillow and glaring across the room.
chanyeol twangs his high e string with feeling. "i'm not shutting up until you turn the thermostat down," he sing-songs along to the echoing note, and baekhyun groans. chanyeol plucks out a diminished triad and transitions into a somber funeral march. "dude, i'm literally swimming in my own sweat," he intones. out of the corner of his eye, baekhyun sees him lean forward, brows arching.
"shit," he mutters, "fine," and he pulls himself out of the cocoon of blankets to turn the heat off. chanyeol fist-pumps his victory and props his guitar against the cabinet.
baekhyun dives back into bed. five minutes later, his teeth start chattering. "you're kidding," chanyeol says, rolling over to stare at him.
"it's fucking cold," he bites out, rubbing his hands together beneath the thick wool. "you did this."
chanyeol has the presence of mind to look a little guilty. he sits up and cocks his head to the side, feet shuffling against the carpet as he swings his legs over the edge.
"what?" baekhyun asks, eyes going narrow.
before he can really react, chanyeol's bridging the distance between their beds and sliding under the sheets with him. he settles half on top of baekhyun, limbs tangling together. chanyeol feels like a fucking heat furnace or something, skin radiating heat through his shirt.
"what the hell?" baekhyun squawks, twisting his neck and trying to squirm away.
"better?" chanyeol asks. his lips brush against the shell of baekhyun's ear. the next moment, he lets out a jaw-cracking yawn. "can we sleep now?"
- - - -
lol given the roller coaster ride that today has been this is the best i could do, my immense apologies anon
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Latest answers from it's a good thing i'm drunk

hi are you currently open for prompts

scream uh, yeah, sure! no promises though, and i pretty much write exclusively hockey now u__u

omg omg i also knew nothing about hockey a year ago!!! it's amazing how quickly you learn though.............. it really seemed overwhelming to me at first but there's tons of great resources in fandom, even more tons of great fic and just great bros (in love, sometimes) /nudge nudge

*six months later* HERE WE ARE.... going through old ask.fm questions i never answered is such a time capsule of what i was into at the time lmao. in this case i guess i was nudged right off the precipice and never seen again

thank you THANK YOU for your kpop olymfics gtop fic. you are my savior. reading good fic makes me shiver in a good way. <3

ahh anon that's so sweet ;~; i'm so glad you liked it! somewhere down the line gtop became my comfort otp, maybe because i've ~been with them~ for a longass time, lmao. writing about them always feels a bit like coming home to something

hello!! just wondering, did you ever finish that merman baekxing fic you were writing??

hey anon! i didn't, and i probably won't because a large part of it was predicated upon members who are no longer in exo lmfao u__u

will you ever write k-fanfics again ? you seem so absorbed by hockey these days ;____;

aww anon u__u i've been trying to avoid k-entertainment a little bit bc i felt kind of burnt out (and hockey is shiny!!!) but i have no doubt i will return at some point, i still have wips :3

hi omg!!! I've been a (silent) reader of your fics for quite some time now but I just stumbled upon your twitter and saw that you're going to epik high in dallas and I am too!!!! had no idea you're from texas ^_^

omg anon!!!!! are you doing the meet and greet as well? we should totally meet up, i have a few other kpop friends in dallas that are going to the show and i'll probably be chilling in the area that afternoon (if i manage to get a half day off work ksfjsd)

wait so has there been a publish date announced for captive prince 3 or?? i'm so confused

no not yet!!! but cs pacat finished the manuscript for book 3 so the end is nigh huhu

Pls write fic abt jisang and hacker bf!!!! They're so cute!! ;~; i WISH they were end game

OMG ANON T__T i would love to... since the show isn't over yet i'm still holding out hope they'll explain hacker bf's backstory... but if not i guess i'll have to take matters into my own hands (ง •̀_•́)ง

soooo i just finished reading it all. what a way to end hahahahah...hahah. FUCK

tweeting about captive prince is rly just a very elaborate ponzi scheme to get everyone into it before volume 3's release date is announced

Language: English