
Sinful Misfortune

Ask @howsinful

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Can you make a tutorial on how to do blonde hair?

I thought i had one up somewhere. I'll check but if I can't find it I'll make a new one (:

I have a question... I'm using one of your layouts. I believe its the FALLACIES layout... I'm having a hard time with the links to where it gets you back home and for people to comment, message, view blogs, and or pictures. Is there a specific way to do it?

The best way to do it is just copy the links provided by rp.me for the home, comment, etc links and then replace the /LINK part. so essentially your links should look like this
link name here

how do you get to you'r layouts?

Just click on the C on our main page, sign our rules and choose content in the side bar (:

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If there is credit on two parts of the page is it ok to remove one of the two?

yep, just as long as one credit link is displayed.

when are you guys coming off hiatus

I'm back now, so there's that (;
It's been a long road with finishing school, but I promise when I'm not being a typical 18 year old, I'll be updating.
xo, Cryptic

You are a workaholic and perfectionist, but I still love you. js. ~ <3 I just finished a few requests, and I have to get back to Halloween images.

Imgur isn't working for half of the images in albums, so I have to redo them, *-* My tears. It's okay though. It's faster with dropbox. :3 I love you too bby~ <3

When will all the new co owners content be up or.. are you guys not joining sites anymore?

It's more on a basis of when people get around to updating, really.
We're still in a phase of figuring everything out. /MY/ co-owners will be updating soon enough, but I still have to brief the newer people who are transitioning over from West Coast about the differences between WC and Sinful. It's a process.
But, like I said about Bad Wolfe, their content will be up in due time.

When will bad wolfe's content be open for people to use?

Whenever she decides to put it up. xD
She's got it all on her computer, so I can't put it up for her.
- C

Do you guys still do a whore train?

At the moment, no. But since we have so many co-owners, I might have that brought up against and force it upon someone (; - C

I have a question for Cryptic. Your new layout, Pretty in Pink, which PSD did you use?

The one included in the text file~ each of the new layouts has psds included with them ^_^

Could you do an Amanda Seyfried or Shantel Vansanten layout? If not totally okay and I love you guys :)

If I have time, I can probably do an Amanda Seyfried layout, but I've never heard of Shantel Vansanten so I'm guessing she's not a very widely used playby x.x And I really only make layouts for more widely used playbys so I know they'll be used. /:

Could you please make some Scream [the first movie], Jonathan Groff, Rose McGowan, Pitch Perfect, and Heathers premades?

I'm already done with the Rose McGowan ones. Those will be up tomorrow, but I'll keep the others on my to-do list~

basic default layouts? And Katherine piecre screencaps?

I'll work on some more default layouts soon, but in the meantime, I'm doing some more Katherine premades as well, mainly from season 5~


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