Ask @iSawsan

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Last : Song - meal - hug - kiss ? :D

song : entti 7lwa abdulmajeed :p
enttti 7lwwa entti 7lwwwa enttti kl el,jmaaaal :p hahaha < mdrrri e4a ha4e klmat'ha -_- !
meal : grand chicken <3
hug : umm idk .-.
kiss : SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM :$:$ <3<3 < allah y3eenha 3ly o:)

if u have the option to choose between a saudi technician or a foreign technician to fix something in ur own room, which one should be chosen and why ?

Mohammed Al-Babtain
I'll choose foreign technician :)
umm el2ked en elkl 3nd'h 4oug w 5brra fe kl el2mour :D !
bss a7ss el,foreign lh 5brra fe 4e el2mourr akthr w akthr mn el,Saudi :/
bs fe elbdaya a7ss bshouf'hm w 3ad kl wa7d w 6regt'h elli ygn3nii feeehaa :p
ymkn agtn3 fe el,Saudi ma Tdrrrri =)))) lol

E3trfu b 5 ashya'a swetouha r'3m enkum 3arfeen enha '3l6 ;D ?

iHajer’s Profile Photoهاجر
5 Things a few :/ 
umm keep it to myself :D !
bs el2keed el2keed AT3LM mn kl '3l6 elktheer ! :")
w allaah haaady eljmeee3 <3<3 !

What movie star would you most like to meet?

ههععّ يالبيييييييةة فددديتك,, ااسممي طالع عندك ولا لاآ خلاص اذا ماطلع اذا كلمتك بقول لككككك سارون وانتي اعرفي هعّ

La mu 6aali3 :/!
Okay ya jmeeela :D

swssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan <3<3<3 ana elle caaan't wait

Shouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggttttttttttiiii :o
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa5 ennntttttti 3shhg La ynttt'hy wallaaaah <3 .<3
We can't wait bebeeeeee x_x

ااياآمكّ يَ مووزّأأ ,, يب يب صااددددقةة من جدّ $$ العممّر كلهةة يارّررب ..!

حبيبي والله <3
ايييي والله متى نخلص ونفتك :(
وياك يا بعد تسسبدي انتي:D

My sweez what are the three things that you cannot live without?

My mum of sure <3
mirinda citrus =)) < keefii 3aamil :p
smajja all my sisters :p <3

My sweez what are the three things that you cannot live without?

My mum of sure <3
mirinda citrus =)) < keefii 3aamil :p
smajja all my sisters :p <3


Language: English