

Ask @iantonio397

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If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

I would choose... Wow. You got me. I have nobody special to be stuck with...

What do you wish you'd had time to do this summer?

Probably get an actual time machine. But Doc took the last one with him.

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Seems me and pinku are going to live "happily ever after" ;3; i hope my life forward on will be good... anyways to the question... will you help me build mine and pinku's new house?

Depends on where you want it.

I finally beat night 6. Are You Proud Of Me, Papa

Very, let's go get an ice cream. Btw, have you seen Uncle Marty?

You hate or like FNAF?

I am indifferent,. I know, I'm making a comic about it, but it's not very related to the game, although I may be growing to the "I don't like" side since I am really tired of so much games.


Language: English