
Alice Vo

Ask @icyalicev

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How do you know that you're in love?

I think it varies with different people. I think for me personally, I think a lot about that person, I always want to be around them even if we are not talking. I want to always make them happy and see them smile. It is like he or she is the reason I live. I don't want him or her sad. I think that is when you know you are in love. When you place the person you love's life above yours and you can't imagine being with anyone else.

What is your favorite thrill ride?

Love-- jk
Idk, I haven't been on one in a while. Maybe the one at Coney where you get on and it swings you high in the air and you can see Brooklyn.

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Are you romantic? Why or why not?

I would like to believe I am but I haven't really been tested in that field. I like making the person I am with happy and I would go through great lengths to make their day. Is that being romantic? I don't really know actually.

What would you name your next/first pet?

Sparta so whenever I introduce him/her to people I can say.

if your school had several yearly flower sales, would you send one each time?

Of course <3 I love spreading the love.
I'll probably buy it for my friends ^^

Does William Zeng suck? Yes or yes

Uh....... that's really mean. ._______.
I don't think he suck lol, sorry

Are you watching the Grammy's?

............No, I don't really watch award shows. I'm doing APUSH HW along with Spanish hw.

Yes. Dylan O'Brien from Teen Wolf <3

YES. YES. YES. He is just I don't even think there is a word to describe him. He is on my top list of cute guys right now!

Favorite show and movie?

Hmm I have to say Teen Wolf is my favorite show at the moment as for movies I have to say I don't have a particular favorite movie but I guess one that I really liked was Big Hero Six or the Croods. I have a thing for family friendly movies.

i just noticed that most of ur responses to the ask.fm questions are long

Oh sorry.. I just usually write a lot because I don't want to leave out anything. I'm sorry ^-^ It is a habit, I tend to do that in my messages too.

Anything's possible, don't always look at the negative side. And yeah you should apply to one of them because trying doesn't hurt.

It's not just that but those schools are kind of Idk expensive? I don't want to have to take out a lot of loans later. They sound like amazing schools but I rather go to an IVY later in my life perhaps when I'm doing a masters cause then I would at least be specializing in my career. But thanks for the vote for encouragement. ^^

You should try for Columbia and Cornell

Me? I don't know about that, I'm not that smart to go to those school. I might apply to one of them but I don't know if I'll get in and I don't want to waste time dreaming about schools that would eventually say no to me.

What colleges are you looking into

Why? Are you gonna stalk me? Kidding!
I guess... Idk I'm not really sure about IVY leagues. I still don't know where my life is gonna take me so I'm just still researching, probably gonna go in undecided but I'm so far interested in Stonybrook, Baruch, Syracuse, Binghamton, Skidmore and etc. I might not apply out of state cause no money.

how did u do so well?

WELL it's a long story I guess. Pretty I have been prepping for SAT since the summer before 10th. It was drilled into me. I didn't have a choice but to do prep. So I would say I have prepped for 2 summers and one fall semester before I took my SAT but I also did my own personal studying for the test.

what guys do u find cute

Do you mean what qualities I find cute?
Um I guess over protective, honest, cheesy, and funny!
If you can make me laugh then yesss I find you adorable!

whats your sat score?

I don't feel comfortable saying it here because I know a lot of people are obsessed with the score like it is the ultimate factor of someone's intelligence. It is not and I have seen what this question has done to people and friendships so this is just a mini rant about how I think this score is too overrated. However, I got above an 1800 and that is all I'm gonna say so I actually answer this question somehow.


Language: English