

Ask @ifntsungyeol

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however, your pit experience is a little bit terrifying T.T i hope you're good now ? ^^

i'm okay and didn't get injured so don't worry!! i'm just hoping the other girls are fine ><
that pit was definitely the scariest moment of my life. next time i'm going to get seats or stand all the way at the edge where there was less pushing ;;;;;

reading your fanacc makes me re-live my own ogs moment you know? the way you spazz, hehe. i miss them so muchhh T_______T

when it was wonderful it was seriously the best experience ever ;;;;;;
they are all so so so lovely and happy and bubbly!! i wish i could see them again ㅠ___ㅠ

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you're so lucky to get into the mtvk cries for you;;;; and i love you more for your sign because sungyeol must be very happy+surprised that his fan watched his drama. waaaaaahhh im totally happy for you <33

it was wonderful waah, i honestly applied just out of whim and didn't think i'd actually get picked!! i know how much acting means to sungyeol so i wanted to show him that international fans were supporting him too. everything i remember his beautiful smile i caaan't ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

did you get to take any pictures ? :D

i tried but it was quite the mess... i think i got one shot of yeol that looked decent enough to post but that was it ;;; i watched a fansite unnie in front of me getting shoved around and i have no idea how she still managed to get such amazing shots

Oh yeah, I read your fanaccount (and already replied on tumblr) but that SIGN! No wonder he was amused. xD how clever and cute! By the way, thanks so much for the updates on Love Poten. If it weren't for your blog, I would've never been aware of it. It's such an adorable show. ;__;

haha i was hoping it would catch his attention!! he actually looked at me and it was the best ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
it's no problem dear~ his mobile drama is the cutest thing ever, i'm glad others are able to enjoy it too ;w;

omfg sunyeol waved at you during ogsnyc?? I was near the center and front of the general admission and omfg i totally agree about what you said about ga and early entry! I paid for early entry but wasn't ever able to even touch the front gate. BUT SUNGYEOL he waved at you? omfg so jealous!! you were

yes!! it was during "i like you" and he was wearing the cuddly knit sweater and looking so lovely and it was wonderful ;;;;;;;; my eyes were literally locked on sungyeol the entire concert (during the time i could see) and he is gorgeous, everything in the fantaken photos and more ;A;
i really really wish they barricaded it since it wasn't fair at all with the GA INSPIRITs right at the front gate while some early entry weren't even able to get that close especially since they paid for it... sigh maybe the organization will be better for the other concerts? also i think your question got cut off dear ㅠㅠ

I'm really, really sorry your experience wasn't what all fans imagine when they dream of seeing their favourites in person. You couldn't even focus on the boys. You didn't take home any injuries, did you? On the brighter side, your sign—the one Sungyeol was adorably amused by! What was on it?

i didn't get any injuries so no worries!! my MTV K experience was amazing so in the end i still got a good experience but i feel awful for the fans who fainted or got stepped on ><
my sign said "기억아♡" which sungyeol enjoyed haha

So !! How was the concert ?! Is it true that sungyeol is even more beautiful in real ?! OGS in Paris is in 13 days, I'm soooooooooo excited omg !!! I just can't wait *-* ! Which part of the concert did u prefer ?! ^^

sungyeol is so much more beautiful in real life it is ridiculous!! i made a fanacc http://ifntsungyeol.tumblr.com/post/67522023047/fanacc-mtv-k-ogs-ny with everything outlining my experience and i really hope your experience will be much much better ><
considering i didn't get to see half the concert i think my favourite part would be when sungyeol noticed me haha it was so lovely getting noticed and just seeing him glowing in that knit sweater ㅠㅠ

hv u noticed that sungyeol's arm become more muscular and buff these days? its obvious in the recent LA pics and on top of that his destiny outfit now is sleeveless. istg he'll be the death of me o<--<

ugh he is the death of me too dear ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
i have no idea why sungyeol's destiny outfit is suddenly sleeveless now but i am definitely not complaining o<-< his arms are so buff and muscular just look at this http://ifntsungyeol.tumblr.com/image/66479684353 eep he's got such nice deltoids too ;;;;;

how excited you are that the concert is less than a week away ? :DD

i think i should be more excited but it still feels so unreal right now that i don't think it's hit me yet?! tlist coming back from OGS LA though has gotten me so pumped up aaah ;;;

What are your thoughts so far about Sungyeol's drama? c:

i love it waah it's the cutest thing ever ;;;;
gieok is such a shy little boy i just want to snuggle him with love ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ the part where he wipes the chair with his shirt or when he stutters and squeaks aah so precious so precious ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
i really hope this drama opens up more acting opportunities for yeol!! he was so happy during 131101 you knew that he absolutely loved every single moment of it >w<

yes, magical twinkle i agree ^^ and also the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. i bet you've watched namu instavid? omg yeol's eyes are so beautiful and i love the way his eyes smiles along;;;;

waah woohyun's 2wooyeol instavid is the cutest!! yeol's crinkly eyed gummy smile is my favourite ;;; he's just so so so precious just look at him http://ifntsungyeol.tumblr.com/image/64607447824 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

As for an off-topic question: Out of all of Infinite's songs, which of Sungyeol's verses is your number one absolute favorite? For instance, I love his rap in Cover Girl the most. *Also, I loved the little clip you uploaded of his verse in Request, and I replayed it so many times!

definitely voice of my heart 100% voice of my heart ;AAAAA;
when he sings in his low voice it is my absolute favourite in the whole world
his really low "saranghae" eeep my heeearrrtt ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ i love that line so much i'm actually so sad they don't sing it anymore for their concerts ;;; but i really like all of his lines!! i would love to see him rap more too >w< and his lines from request are so perfect!! woollim needs to give INFINITE more songs in the lower register ):

Did you have a good birthday? Hopefully you ate something tasty, everyone should eat something tasty on their birthday!

all i did was study and do school work on my birthday ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
but it was okay!! i had a bit of cake which was yummy ;w;

what do you think of yeol insecurities of his eyes? i recently watched ranking king-fashion king and he wore sunglasses because he'll be more confident with it. do you think it has to with his character always wearing glasses when he acts? i personally like his doe-like eyes ;;; so beautiful *^*

oh i don't think yeol is insecure about his eyes dear ;;; i think he was saying he's insecure/unconfident about wearing the baggy pants since he's never worn them before. a lot of emotion is expressed from the eyes which is why the general saying of "putting on sunglasses gives you more confidence" may be due to the fact that they are hiding your eyes and hiding that nervousness as you're less vulnerable and exposed to others. so by wearing the sunglasses yeol said he was able to gain that boost of confidence to be able to pose in the type of pants he's never worn before and had no confidence in wearing before. at least, that was my take on what he said ^^;;
i think he's really cute when he wears glasses hehe but yeol's eyes have that wonderful magical twinkle in them that makes him look so full of life and beautiful and i absolutely love them so much ;;;;;

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It says it's your birthday, is it true? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D I hope you have a great birthday, and I hope you get to see Sungyeol soon! ^^ May your day be filled with Infinite happiness~ haha!

waah thank you so much dear!! ♡
yesyes it's true it's my birthday~ i was wondering how you knew until i realized i put it down haha i hope you have a wonderful day filled with happiness too ;w;

yeahh, i understood. i even met babyloveya masternim on that day and she also said they are busy travelling too, like infinite so they have little time to post pictures, haha. awwww, i hope your exam finishes before OGS so you could enjoy the concert \o/

waah you met a fansite unnie!! ;AAAA;
i want to meet one but i'm not sure if any of them are going to NY ><
all my midterms finish before OGS which is one of the main reasons why i was allowed to go to OGS!! i'm so happy waah i must be destined to go to this concert ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

ohhhh and my fav from that night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my9zxIyyDlU (not mine) cos i've seen lack yeol pics :( thought of sharing this with you. superr dork yeol :DD

waah so cute!! i will make a post with that video soon ;w;
that's actually my friend's friend's mask that he put on and wow she's so lucky to have that happen ;A;
due to the cost of the world tour many fansite unnies can't make it to all of the shows which is why there's a lack of photos ;;; i've also got a lot of exams to study for right now which is a partial reason why updates are slowing down a bit ><

the concert was amazing and fun ! they all look and sound the same as seen onscreen but just 100x times better OTL infinite is really the best ! i hope OGSNY come faster for you so i could hear your story too :3

i'm so excited aaah ;AAAAAAA;
i really hope it goes faster too!! i seriously cannot wait until i'm in the crowd watching them with my own eyes performing in the glory of themselves and just ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
oh my god my fanacc of the event will probably be me just ugly sobbing through the whole thing and complete mental breakdown because they're so perfect LOL

jess! i went to OGSMY yesterday and yeollie is really handsome T-T words just cannot describe him, so hot ~and he's in a good mood too, giggly and playful with backup dancer, i miss him :<

waah how was the concert?! i'm sure ogs was as amazing as everyone says it is!!
i'm so excited to see yeol for real, i don't doubt your words for a moment about how handsome he is ><
i'm just sad that i know i'll go through yeol withdrawal too ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I think sungyeol is just an gorgeous prince *^* i mean, in this outfit http://31.media.tumblr.com/88ef7ce134a437589b67a717a048d557/tumblr_mlzqexUal31r62oeio1_500.gif it's pretty obvious *.* so, can u do a bias list of the infinite members ? i'm curious about you'll be your last favorite member hehe

i love love love the military style outfits ;;;
sungyeol really is a prince i swear!! the day he wore the hanbok was especially apparent ;;;
i love all the members equally minus yeol because he's forever ultimate bias ;w;
but it's so hard picking ;A; everyone is so wonderful and i have things i love about each and every single one of them that there is no last place ^^

and i'm at my word limit for that last ask XD but can you believe that OGSNY is less than a month away T_T Are you going to make any cheering board at all? I've never made one in my life and I have absolutely no clue where to start q_q

i can't believe it at all!!! aaaah it still feels so unreal that i will actually see them with my own eyes ;;;
i think i'll make one but i've never made one before either so i have no idea how it's going to go or what it's going to be made of or anything at all but as of right now all i know is it's going to have pink letters LOL ;w;

Yahhh I'm going to OGS NY!!! Do you also have a standing ticket? I would love to meet you while waiting in the line, you are such an awesome admin♥ I bookmarked ifntsungyeol so that whenever I'm feeling down or pressured I'll just go there and sungyeol's smile will always brighten me up 〃ˊ ∀ ˋ 〃

i do!! i've got early entry so i'll probably be waiting there the whole day =w=;;
and waah yesyes come talk to me dear!! i would definitely love to meet you too ♡
sungyeol really is the light of my life ;; such a beautiful smile can lift anyone up~
thank you for such a lovely compliment ;;;;;


Language: English