
princess zelda

Ask @izzieyo

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Haha oh okk sweet, well cause my mother deactivated it atm, cause i was a naughty gurly but I get it back soonies!xxx

Oh tiegan;) ahahaha xxx

Tehe omg yeahh course! Suree. aaah buzzing! I miss you 2x more, I know:( Okokok! Sure thing hunny, drop me a text 07922938477 love you too bby!xxx

Will do when my phones fixed:)) why don't you have fb??:o xxx
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Izzie you fagg it's mwaa! I wanna hang out with you, we never speak anymore and we used to have so much fun!:( xxx

Tiegan Chamberlain
Aww tiegan!! I miss you loads:(( I never see you and you only live across the street:( I'm grounded atm but we'll do something when I'm ungrounded ok?? Love you xxx

I would but..I dont think I have your number and I havent got fb anymore:( waa, you wouldnt wanna hang out with me cause im weird ahaha!

I'm weird too haha:p well do you have twitter? Ill dm you my number but my phones kinda fucked up atm so I can't text:( but it should be sorted soon!

Now that's not fair. Not sharing my WKD with you anymore

Oh shut up u will giv me woteva da fuk I lyk lol x x ur not evan kewl but my lipgloss is lol its poppin!!! Wat u kno bowt me u sket

I'm kidnapping your mum and making her mate with fred for doing that, sorry

Yh well im kidnaping ur bruvva n mating him wiv laurie ok

what would you do if i told you you could never see amy wildman again

Jump off a cliff or a boat cause in not a good swimmer lol
Shes the funniest person ever xxx


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