
princess zelda

Ask @izzieyo

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If you found out you're bestfriend wasnt a virgin what would you do?

well it depends on the situation, if she'd randomly gone out and had sex with some guy who's like ten years older than her (which most of the girls my age do) then i'd be quite disgusted/disappointed in her but if she's in a relationship with someone and felt she was ready i wouldn't have a problem! wouldn't really affect our friendship either way tbh

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I dnt like homos u fcking lesbian, u r bein a shit gf but u made me pizza so I gess it's ok

i cook for u isnt tht enuff???? idk what else u want from me fukin lez
Liked by: yolo tori(:

I thort I was ur gf dnt be so fucking homophobic u lil' sket

u r my gf but ur also an annoying faggot i hope u can accept me for the homo i am
Liked by: yolo


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