
Jake Way

Ask @JakeWay8

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AW you miss cal being in bsb

i wouldnt say i miss him, its just the fact he made all the lessons so much funnier it was fucking hilarious

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I've known you since primary and the shit you say doesn't reflect the life I saw with you your brother and your sister. Enough though you need to look at yourself.

you don't know anything about my life, i dont understand why you're trying to get involved tbh

That thing you just said about not having friends at your school because of them having high expectations is totally bizarre. Most friendships are made at school, you spend most of your waking hours there. Sounds like you are insecure.

i'm not insecure at all, i have loads of friends at school, but none are as close as my mates outside of school

where do you make your pics look vintage/polaroid?

callan edits some of them in photoshop, but most i leave as they are, probably just the quality of my camera

You are the one who put all that shit up for anyone to read. It wasn't that nice to be honest.

I put it there because some people were and intrigued and interested, so just leave it

You don't like anyone critisizing your family but I read what you put on Tumblir about your mum sounds like you fucking hate her.

don't start saying stuff about my mum either, i don't want to talk about anything to do with my family, alright?

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

i dunno, i like watching movies, but i would prefer to cuddle up and watch them with someone

Do you have any friends out of school time who actually go to your school?

Victor, thats about it really, i prefer to hang around with people that i'm comfortable with rather than trying to impress someone who has high expectations of me
Liked by: Jazz

This is something that has triggered my mind for about an hour now you are pretty skinny and your brother is fat? Logic.

my brother isn't fat, don't sit on anon and go criticising my family, he's far from fat


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