Ask @jawsh3

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Thoughts on Ben McDonald?

some of my thoughts include
- his bag is as thick as him
-but his mind is thicker then his bag
-his hair looks like its been hit with a blow dryer for about an hour behind his head
- the group of boys he hangs out with make me want to cry ... a fucking lot
- they only care about girls and likes..
-take into account that 90% of them are virgins
i'm wasting my time writing anymore.. ciao

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People say that you are so gay that there is no other person as gay as you are.

They couldn't be any more right!

hahahahaha #junkclarke just because you aren't part of thaboiz

If rather kill myself then be in that crew
Liked by: Nyss

does Kylee talk to heaps of guys like you talk to heaps of girls??

i talk to girls as friends :) and im positive she talks to guys as friends too :)

nah we used to be close but idk i think you hate me

omfg i dont hate anyone ... i strongly dislike a couple people but i doubt you're one of them

i miss you so much and we used to talk all the time but idk you dont seem to really care haha xx

sorry i've been a blatent cunt lately to legit everyone, talk to me now please :(

i only have you on my old facebook accept me on my new one :(

whats your name ?! i wont answer it !

it was like the start of the year and it was with someone i use to be pretty close with :(

talk to me please :( im begging you


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