Ask @jawsh3

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do you have a large outer labia? just a rumour going around I want to clear up xxxxx

i have a small penis

Bailey Boljkovac Yusuf Farhadi Alex La Salle Connor Crampton Smith Jordan Carroll Liam Delhaize Aquiles Figueroa Delgado Kai Carbine Llewellyn Evans

pls c below

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Thoughts on the clique he he he ~ Bailey Boljkovac Yusuf Farhadi Alex La Salle Connor Crampton Smith Jordan Carroll Liam Delhaize Aquiles Figueroa Delgado Kai Carbine Llewellyn Evans

baz - used to be best mates, now we barely talk i missed the kid aye
yusuf - maddest cunt would do alot for the kid
la salle - brother take a bullet for him
connor - funny kid love him <3
jordan - seems like the maddest cunt wish i knew him better
liam - everything he does, i cum a little because he is sxc
akilliz - miss the kid used to be close :(
kai - never even heard his name :L
llew - id defs turn for him


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