Ask @jawsh3

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Dunno man I got caught up in shit, haven't been on ask for ages. Greet us with a sex story :~)

I am out of sex story's :((((

thoughts on eden, sophie butter worth, hope pateman

Eden is such a lovely girl miss get lots
Sophie who?
hope is my boo

can u plees give me ur shit so i can dry it and try and smoak it ha wooow i just had another cone hahahahahahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i feel curtain

dusko I swear bro-.-

wat do u lok for in a blue weed m prepurl haez wat ha ha i just had my first sesh tonite i fel so gooooood wow

go fuck yourself with my frozen shit

Top 5 people you know or like in Year 7- Year 8- Year 9- Year 10- You have to say 5 people:)

7 - who's in year 7?
8 - idk :LL
9 - Taylor Marriott, dani Roso, hope Pateman, Hayden Raftrey and indi idk :( I know heaps
10 - Alex la salle, Connor crumpin. idk heaps tbh

what are you doing tongiht

just finished work and now sitting in mums car looking for friends to be friends with ya feel?

naughty boy, stealing is bad, once I stole a barbie pencil case from the reject shop, cos my parents couldn't afford a 2 dollar pencil case

but they can afford for you to use Internet to send this to me? ooooookkkkkaaaaay


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