Ask @jawsh3

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its not Yusuf, but josh aye dnt say that shit. k. ps. did u shave today?

i shave like twice a week... im always prepared

that sounds superb but you'll probably leave me waiting just like you did at nandos, I don't think I'm ready to be in that kind of situation again so soon

listen. give me another chance. please

hey don't answer this but Georgia jobson really likes you, and you should pm her, but you start the conversation and be nice and don't be a dickhead. she likes you

was saying 'i like you too' too straight forward?
Liked by: Hugos ✌️

wait is that bitch saying god is real or fake. imma smash his face

have you heard that new song party rock anthem?

this anon needs to calm the fuck down like wow....

hello paige? can i take you out to a fancy dinner? and maybe share a smoothie after wards down by the lake and fall asleep under the stars? yes me too

fuck a cert 3 in IT thats so fucking hard man :/ you are the 1% in society hey

10 years.. i'll have this gutless cunt working for me asking for 30 cents to get a soft serve for his/her family's dinner.

It's fucking chelsea lee jay giving you these stupid lectures hahahahaha shes the biggest hypocrite

i dont think it is considering we;re friends hahaha

You're a fab futsal umpire :') kidding you just laughed at me the whole game because of my superstar soccer skills miss u jc :((((

maddy you faggot. text me now .. i know i miss you too :(((((

Be there soon get the bed ready ;)

fuck that im not gonna clean something thats only gonna get messy again :o


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