Ask @jawsh3

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why do you always fuck up with girls then drag it out and make a big deal about trying to get her back or whatever. if you like/want her fucking date her then omg

Says anon

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Who's this anon guy I keep hearing his/her name in my feeds? And also one more story?

Story about what

3 more turn ons and turn off??

Likes me for my personality not my nice hair
Likes my messy room
Doesn't take care of her friends
Hates my friends
Tells me to stop stuff I enjoy

Everyone I know is saying you have a Facebook page and they're not telling me.., so what is it called? And sorry if I sound rude or anything :)

It's called josh clarkesauce
Liked by: Tayla Ray Ramsay

Are your hands in your jumper in your photo? :L like not in your sleeves?

my jacket got caught on my pants and stuck and my hands are in my sleeve

how many boys have you talked to today?

jordan pez
antony steps
hayden hackerz
nicholas mckay
connor crumpin cunt
matt grigg
trey reed a book
yusuf for a second
braden searle
Liked by: emz cyrus


Language: English