Ask @jawsh3

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Clearly not you, you fucking sleazy pedophile.

you're so cute because you're jealous i dont find u attractive tehe

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Last 5 texts, what do they say?

He won't even drive me to gunners dude
Ily bed
Pretty much
What are you doing

HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU FAILED THAT IS NOT ME ( people thinking I took your v's I fkn didn't omg hahaha ily tho x

You were asleep .. You wouldn't remember

Impersonate Amy playa

Ur a muffin
I'm going out tonight
Ugh work experience
I drink vodka straight
Ily xx
I took your virginity.. I own you cunt
What're you wearing?? ;))

Impersonate your mum?

Josh you little faggot
You need to get out bed
get off your laptop and do something
Do you have work tonight????? Huh you little weasel
Harley's such a nice boy
Stop giving your sisters shit
Are u smokin bongs ?????
Go to sleep before 12 tonight
You didn't go to sleep before 12 did you?
Did you go to school????
What times your driving lesson.
Don't smoke on the balcony

impersonate the last two people who texted you

I'm massive as fuck
I need a fucking root
Come gym bro?
Omg jay cee
Have any dubs?
Lets get really drunk
I'm gonna spew in those bushes .. Dare me too?
Fuck bro 2 beers and I am fucked
Scratches back
Switch positions I can't feel my legs
I wanna walk after this.
Gets tits out
Liked by: caleb ward

sex story you havent posted before? (:

the last night infact, grandfinal night for the national rugby league .and me and a friend had a case of beers so we smashed them and kept peeking because we just kept finding alcohol, and there were two girls from wollongong down staying at my house because they were my mums friends.. me and my friend smoked darts and stuff ya dig? so we smoked and talked about life, then we started to get bored so i went, lets jump into bed with them and just not say a word. so.. we did.. with time we ended up playing truth or dare.. and ofcourse it'd turn sexual so me and this girl got dared to hook up.. so we did.. and we kinda just stuck with it.. whenever we stopped talking we'd hook up and shit, then we found a goon bag.. and we smashed that hahaha, so we were pissed as fuck, and these girls were drunk too i think, then me and this girl just got right into it.. i ended up ontop of her.. within 5 seconds my pants and top come off.. as did hers.. got saucy and hot real fast.. we started going at it.. oh yeah... this is in my sisters bed too .. but she wasnt there .. so we started porking and my firend and the other girl decided to move to my bed.. so then yeah, we went at it for about 6 hours in my sisters bed haha but yolo then we decided to have a shower. oh my wasnt that fun, we hopped in the shower being as quiet as possible because everyone was home hehe, had a good decent shower.. then look out the window and it was day time :S so we thought enough was enough so she tried to give me gob to finish but i couldnt finish.. so i said thanks and went to bed.. havn't seen her since

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How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

If I was to have a best best friend. It'd be Harley or Bj

that question that you posted about that Cameron harp guy you were like 'with there laptop' are you retarded cunt

But you cant even start a sentence with a capital letter.
Liked by: Luke O


Language: English