Ask @jawsh3

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Honest thoughts on kylee wray?

well, she's honestly an amazing girl, says the cutest shit, has the cutest voice, knows exactly what to say to cheer me up, but we fought alot and i really regret that, but to the next guy that has something with her i hope you do a gg job ..

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Hate to see you leave but I'd love to watch you go

hate to see you go but i'd love to watch you leave*

u be 1 of moi b3sT fwe1nd5 i1y 4 Tri1ly <3 but seriously dude , i have so much respect for you my good sir, i dont know how you deal with everyones shit tossing everyday but i indeed envy you :) illy a trill brah :)

Thanks brah who is this though
Liked by: Braden Searle

What are sexy things girls do?

if she grinds on me for a long time fuarrrrk.
they suck my balls
uthey make the effort
kiss myneck uhm
good at gobbys


Language: English