

Ask @jocygabyg

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Do you prefer to ski or snowboard?

Last April or May when I was a Junior I had this class where you got to take home a fake baby and it was so hard. It woke up like every 20 minutes that night. I felt like crying with it. If that's what they use to decrease teen pregnancy it works because a fake baby was hard enough for one night and their emotions were based on a real baby.

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But I'm not a person anymore I'm permanent cake

Still not gonna eat you. You were once a human and I'll always see you as a human.

Ever seen a celebrity while you were out and about?I just saw carrottop while out at the new mall here.

Yeah I saw Gibby from iCarly at the mall at the beginning of 2013. I've seen other celebs too, but I knew I was gonna see them there because it was an event.

If you had to get on a 14 hour flight, who would you want to sit next to?

Professor told me to try and read Shakespeare again when I'm 30 and that I'll like it. Highly doubt I'll like it in 12 years or ever.

Would life be interesting if everyone said what they really thought?

I guess. It would cause more problems and some people would feel awkward because some people like me have weird thoughts.

Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

Last year after my teacher heard us talking about funny stuff we saw online he said what would you guys do without the internet and we were like what would we do. Probably have more sleep and procrastinate less, but not have entertainment when bored.

American horror story or the walking dead?

Watched the walking dead for a while and I just couldn't get into it. Found it boring. I'll probably give it another chance because sometimes I find shows boring at first and then I get into them. Haven't watched American horror story, but I heard it's good, so I plan on watching it.

Do you know anyone who wears shorts in the middle of winter?I am that man BTW.

Yep most of my friends. Teachers always told them that they were crazy for doing that.
Liked by: Jillian

Ever liked someone younger than you?

Yeahh. When I was in 8th grade I liked a 7th grader who I liked again when I was a sophomore. Sophomore year, junior year, and senior year I had few crushes on people younger than me. They're juniors and seniors right now. The junior is so cute.
Liked by: Will

20 likes for first and 2 for the rest ? ♥ ♥

I remember last year in April I went to the doctor and that doctor was just terrible. I was never scared before, but she just scarred me for life. Smh and I was 16.I was more scared there than when I was 6.

If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?

Sometimes I wonder how young do teachers think we are. They act like we're 2. My junior year my teacher was like I don't think you guys remember cassettes much then he said I don't think you guys have ever seen them. In fact you probably don't even know what I'm talking about because you've never heard of them before. They were still around when I was in elementary. I still have some. Also, last semester my teacher was talking about the 60s and said you guys probably imagine that as the Shakespeare era where we were all dressing in tights.

What are your 2015 resolutions?

Not be this nocturnal. Don't mind, but at the same time I do. Especially when I have school and I'm up late.

Have you ever committed an act of vandalism ?What was it and why did you do it?

Never, but I've had friends who have.

Do you need a 12 hours uninterrupted sleep?

Definitely. Idk I guess it's part of being a teen, but I love sleep and can't get enough. Even if I had 12 hours I would probably still be tired....happened to me before.


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