

Ask @jocygabyg

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Do you keep a diary/journal? Or you just keep twitter as your diary?

Izzati Izlan
I had a diary when I was 7 and 8, but not anymore and I have a twitter, but I don't tweet all my personal stuff like I would in a diary.
Liked by: Izzati Izlan

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Do you support/ban niqab and other face coverings in public? Why?

Izzati Izlan
I don't support it, but it is their religion so I wouldn't say ban it. I do think that if they don't want to cover their face than they shouldn't have be forced to, but if they do want to than they should be able to do it
Liked by: Izzati Izlan

Do you think partial birth abortion should be illegal? What says you?

Izzati Izlan
I'm still trying to figure out if I think abortion is ok or not. I don't agree with that type of abortion btw. Let me just talk about abortion overall. Women have the right to do whatever they want with their body. I do think there is a point in the pregnancy that abortion just shouldn't be allowed. I also think the father should be involved with the decision unless he's a rapist. Personally I wouldn't be able to get an abortion because the baby does have a beating heart, grows, and eats so to me it's a living thing. Why bring a child into the world that's going to be abused or taken care of improperly. There is always adoption. I do strongly disagree with the abortion that aborts the child after he/she is born. I mean the baby was already full term and has actually been born.
Liked by: Izzati Izlan

if you could speak to nature? what would you say?

Izzati Izlan
I'm so sorry for destroying you guys we should stop, but people won't stop cutting down trees and so many other things and I'm very sorry for destroying the animal's habitats.
Liked by: Izzati Izlan

Do you think students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools? Or we should blame teachers as well?

Izzati Izlan
It depends on how far the bullying went. I'm not saying any type of bullying is ok, but if they call a student dumb I don't think they should go to jail for that, but they should get in trouble. The teachers should only be blamed if they know about it and choose to ignore it or bully the students as well.
Liked by: Izzati Izlan

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which would you choose and why?

Every TV show I've ever watched to do all the things I've always wanted to do. Like be in spongebob and finally get to eat a krabby patty or the fairlyodd parents to get fairygod parents. Looney tunes to finally meet bugs bunny and so on.

How would you react to someone who had insulted you brutally?

It would depend on who it is. If it was some stranger I'll be like oh tf who are you to insult me. If it was a family member or a close friend I would probably be shocked.

Do you think we should inform our parents everywhere we go? ^-^

Izzati Izlan
I'm not sure. From our point of view a lot of us think we shouldn't and from their point of view they think we should. If it was just taking out the garbage or something like that I don't think they need to know that. We've all done something bad and been someplace else we weren't supposed to be and I never told them and got away with it.

Do you support poligamy? Is it good ? (based on your own view)

Izzati Izlan
No if you're married to me you shouldn't be married with anyone else. That's just weird. What is he supposed to come home a few times a week and then go to his other family the rest. I would not like that at all. You should be committed to one person. I can't imagine giving the guy I love permission to go off and marry someone else and being intimate with that person while still married to me.

What was the worst age you’ve had so far?

13. Worst age ever. First and worse teen year. Well 16 was pretty bad. Well like the last 5 months of being 16 was.

Would you ban the production of time machines if it is invented? Why/why not?

Izzati Izlan
I would because people would use it to try and change everything how they would prefer and the world could turn into a worse place.

If you could be any age for a week, what age would you be and why?

Well I'm 18 so that's pretty young and I love being young, but I prefer being 17. I did not want to turn 18 at all. I think I'll go with 7 years old because life was so much easier and I could relax, watch cartoons, go outside, and play with my toys.

Do you think it is okay to smoke in public spaces?

Izzati Izlan
Just as long as it's not around other people. You shouldn't harm other people's health. I've had people smoke cigarettes next to me and I can't take the smell and so far every time that someone had smoked next to me its been a grown up. Never someone close to my age.

Do you think spouses should take turns to do house chores? Or simply just hire a maid?

Izzati Izlan
They should take turn unless they don't have any time to get them done


Language: English