

Ask @jocygabyg

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What draws you to a song?Is it the lyrics the melody the rhythm what makes you like a song?

Both. There are some songs with a good melody and terrible lyrics or vice versa and not a fan. I'll admit there are some songs where there's something about the melody that I love and almost makes me forget about the horrrible lyrics and I like it a bit.

Illness spam:When's the last time you had the shits?

About a month ago. Idek what I ate that made me feel bad, but I had to go multipe times that day and it hurt.

Do you know anyone with no sense of humor whatsoever?

My old coworker. You couldn't even joke around with her without her getting mad at you and cursing you out. Oh but she could straight up insult you in the worst ways and expect you to laugh.

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What was your favorite book as a child?

Super fudge was the shit and A Series of unfortunate events was awesome as well.

Have you ever secretly ate something just so nobody would see you eating it and want some?

I did that when I was younger, so the younger kids wouldn't ask for some and then not end up eating it.

Has anyone mistaken your friendless for flirting lately?

That's all the time. It gets kinda awkward at times because I'm really just being frindly and only see them as friends.

What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

I'm not sure yet. I wanna dress up like a cartoon character, but so many choices.

If your worst enemy suffered a horrific event would you be willing to offer support or help to them in their time of need?

If it was a life or death situation and I could do something about it then yeah. I don't really have enemies right now.

How was everyone's day today?Mine was good.Raiders won and I ate tacos for dinner.

Lame af but yesterday was awesome.

Who's the better Willy Wonka Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp?

Never seen the original one but when I was little Johnny Depp scared the hell out of me in that movie. It still creeps me out and scares me a little.

Can you dab?Second question is what is it?

Yeah it's easy. One time I was at work and sneezed, so I covered it up with my arm and it ended up looking like a dab so this girl thought I was dabbing.

What is the most exotic place you have been to?

The way Kermit is laying down is so funny to me??? but this was probably how my mom was when I was younger. Probably all Hispanic moms.
Liked by: Dandei

Do you ever feel scared to travel internationally with all of the current events in the world? BQ: Would you travel afar if given a chance?

Not really. I probably wouldn't travel to Syria right now tho. Yeah I'd travel if I had the chance. I would love the chance to travel all around the world.

Should you be doing something else besides wasting your time on ask?I know I am ?

I need to run some errands with my mom, but since she's driving I have time to be on here.

Do you know any identical twins?Are they always playing tricks on people?

I know a couple pairs of twins, but they're not identical. When they were little they looked almost identical, but as they've gotten older they've grown into their owm features. When I was in 1st grade I knew these identical twin girls, but they never played tricks on us. The only reason we could tell them apart was because one had skinnier legs and the other had thicker legs. They almost always wore skirts or dresses so it was easy. My friend's dad has an identical twin and I can't tell them apart but she can. Oh I almost forgot there these identical twin guys that moved to my apartments about a year ago, but I've been knowing them since we were little. I can't tell them apart and neither can most people, so yeah they play tricks on people. His brother who I talk to more and this other girl who has been knowing them forever said it's easy because the back of their hair has a different swirl or whatever. They're both skinny, but supposedly one's face is a bit more chubby than the other. It looks exactly the same to me.

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Liked by: Aasya Rayne Kiwi

What historical moment would you of liked to be present for?

I'd like to be there for MLK's I have a dream speech. If I could I'd like to be able to be invisible and go back in time so I can see how people were a long, long time ago. I'd probably pass out because people only took a bath once a year.
Liked by: Kiwi


Language: English