

Ask @jocygabyg

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Have you ever a celebrity or anyone else famous?Who?

I've seen them in person but never actually talked to one. Just to name some of the ones I've seen in person Ariana Grande, Dwayne Johnson, Snooki, Keri Hilson, and the closest wqa Gibby from iCarly. He was at the mall signing autographs. Ok so this was at the beginning of 2013 and my mom took the pics because my phone had no battery and she sent them to me. I saved them and recently went back on my old phone to email them to myself but it had shitty connection to the internet. I just took pics of it with my current phone and I'm sorry if it's bad quality. I'll email them to myself later.

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When was your last big disappointment.We were in California and on our way to Disneyland.As we were driving we saw a sign that said "Disneyland Left",so we went home :(

?? Ok back in June one night texted me asking me if I wanted to go to Orlando and I said when and he said tomorrow. I wasn't feeling the beach so I said idk too last minute. Then the next morning my mom said that he called her telling her that we were going to go to Disney World. Me and one of my brother's went, but one stayed home with our mom. We went with my dad's other kid, his girlfriend, and his gf daughter. So we barely get to Florida and we're at waffle house and he says of we're going to Universal Studios. Then we were like no we want to go to Disney and World. Then he smiles and says I never said that???. When we get to the hotel that night he's like ok think of where you guys want to go. By that time it seemed we were actually going to Disney World. Then the next morning he's like decided and my dad decided Universal. It was pretty lame the first day. The second day was more fun. Then the second day my dad's girlfriend's daughter says oh we should've gone to Disney World because one of the guys from 1D is there and she regretted not going. I was like no we should've gone because it's more fun. She's a cool girl btw.

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Are you a good tipper?I try and tip decent depending on how good the service was.

I am a good tipper. It bothers me how bad of a shitty tipper my mom is tbh. I'm like mom they barely make anything. They live off of the tips and she still tips the same. Then even after giving her shitty tip she's like well I feel like it's too much. One of my teachers was also a horrible tipper till he was in College and went on a date with his current wife. She was a waitress all through college. Anyways when she saw his tip he told us that she looked at him like he had just slapped her and then told him why that was bad.
Liked by: Kiana

What's the most valuable thing you own?And parents your children are not a thing I'm talking a material possession.

My phone

Have you ever been forced to be in a situation with someone you dislike?Example at a wedding or function?

Groups at school. I really disliked some people and when we were forced to be together we were just like???. Also some parties.

Do you like orange juice?

I don't like that sour tasting one. I like Hispanic juice a lot more. It's sweet and tastes great.

What's something about life have you noticed that people won't come out and openly say?

When they love someone or have any feelings for them. People are so afraid of rejection.

What topic is guaranteed to cause an argument in your household?

Religion. My mom doesn't accept the fact that me and my brother aren't religious. She's not even very religious herself, but when I told her I wasn't Catholic she was like what? but and proceeded to say other stuff. Then when I say stuff about the bible that makes no sense she tries to argue with me but ends up being quiet. Then one time I was like hey do you have to be religious to get married in a church and she looked like that was her chance to make me believe and she said yeah so if you wanna get married. Then I was like nice try I've heard of people not believing in religion and getting married in a Church. Then like 2 and half years ago her friends were like you should send them to catholic school again on Saturdays so they can do their first communions and I said you can't force me to do that. Oh and gender roles. Hispanic households have more gender roles and when I'm told I have to do certain stuff like cooking and cleaning because my husband would want me to I go off and say well how come my brothers don't have to learn how to cook. She also doesn't believe girls can play with boy toys and vice versa. I can go on but I'll stop.

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Have you ever crashed a wedding?

I've only been to one wedding and I was invited. This was like back in 2001 when I was 4.

Have you ever split your pants?I just did ?

Lol no never. That reminds me when I was a sophomore my coach was showing us how to do these exercises and then he ended up splitting his pants in front of everyone.

If I could think of 100 questions to spam would you be down with getting spammed with that many?And yes I'm writing a list of questions to ask .

Yes I would.

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

A deserted island? Well I would try to build a fire. Without a fire that would lower my chances of making out alive. I'd try to build a small place for me to live at and gather food. For a vacation? I'd probably swim and explore the island.

If you were out and about and you recognized someone from askfm would you go up and introduce yourself?If you saw me would you come say hi or would you be afraid I'd freak out and pepper spray you?

It depends on who it was. There are some people I really don't care for and would probably just turn away. I'd say hi to you and try to have a conversation with you if you wanted to. The chances of me seeing anyone here are low tho. I follow two people here that are from Atlanta and they've been to the places that I've been to. Not a stalker btw. I had a conversation with one here about restaurants here and he named some places that I've been to. Then the other mentioned them too. They're both nice people so I'd probably say hi to them.

Have you ever purposely friend zoned someone?Did you eventually ever feel bad for doing it?

Yes and I have and no I did not.

Pap of the people you follow on here? or list them?

I follow over 400 people so sorry I can't. It would take way too much time.

If you could….Travel anywhere, where would it be? ( if you don't answer this questions in 3 days you will be taken off) im having a 3 day break .. starting now (so many inactive accounts)

Mexico so I can see my family. Actually I'll probably go this year. Like around Christmas. I'll stay there for about a week. I'll also love to visit Europe. Eastern European countries would be nice. Actually any European countries.

I like the new askfm app layout!I'm also lying.How are all my favorite online people today???

I'm good. I had a job interview today.


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