

Ask @jocygabyg

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May 22nd 2015<>Q6 This technically isn't a question....but here's your chance to say anything you want. Rant, gush about whatever celebrity crush you have, talk about your day, or anything else, really.

Well I want to talk about the moms on here. Now before I start I don't think all the moms on here are bad, but there are quite a few. There are some really great moms on here I've never said anything before because I feel like some would get offended. Anyways the problem I have is that they start unnecessary drama with other moms. They claim to be mature and then they show that they're so immature. They only think that their parenting style is correct and will bash anyone who doesn't agree. If you've been with someone for a couple weeks it's safe to say that you're not completely in love and shouldn't be having kids already. They get mad when someone mentions their age and say that they're not any different than older moms and should be treated the same. Yet they want to be praised when they step up because of their age. Well aren't you supposed to step up if you have a kid? Then they try to act like it's so easy being a teen mom. Now being a parent is hard work and I'm sure being that young and not being financially stable, not having your own place, and not having a healthy relationship doesn't make it easier. They get really mad when they're called teens and act like it's an insult. You're a teen from ages 13-19. Then some will say that overall they're better parents than older moms. Omg how? Now being a teen mom doesn't automatically make you a bad mom and being an older mom doesn't automatically make you a good mom. The amount of 18 year olds planning a baby is ridiculous. Please tell me how saying "well I'm 18" is going to prepare to raise a child. Most 18 years old aren't financially stable, have a great relationship that will actually last, they don't have all the education that they want, they don't have their own place, and your brain isn't even fully developed till 25 so you're probably not making the best decisions. Plus it means you're legally and adult. Not an actual adult. It's not like you go to sleep 17 and then you wake up 18 and you're suddenly grown with all the adult stuff. Doesn't work like that. I can go on, but I'm sure I've written so much already. Excuse any typos that I may have made.

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Liked by: Amy

May 23rd 2015<>Q3 Are you an observant person? If yes, did you see anything wrong with the last question?

I didn't get another question, but yes I am observant. I can figure out stuff about other people's life
Liked by: Amy

Do you think there are more genders than just Female and Male?

I know that there's intersex. I saw it on a show and they want more people to know about it and be more accepting of it.

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What would you do if your child came out as gay to you?

Nothing. Well I'd be worried because gays don't have it easy and I would be worried that they would be bullied or even killed for their sexual orientation. Actually I don't even want my kids to worry about coming out. Like I would want my son to "oh hey I'm bringing my boyfriend over" just as easily as saying "I'm bringing my girlfriend over" without him having to worry about my reaction.

Regarding my last question, did you know that 40% of LGBT youth who come out to their parents become homeless within 48 hours?

Yes I did because Miley Cyrus posted it on IG and she's a big supporter of their rights and wants to stop them from being homeless.

Have you ever played with a Ouija board?

Yes, yes I have. About two years ago and omg it was real. It was pretty scary. After some time...only a couple days later I got scared and decided to get rid of it.

What is one hair color you can't stand seeing on people?

Hot pink. I don't like that color at all. Now anything else is good because I've seen people with awesome looking purple hair.

May 22nd 2015<>Q4 Would you rather go to a really really crappy school with mean teachers but have your favourite fictional character go there with you, or would you rather go to your favourite fictional world but watch two of your favourite characters die? Explain your choice.

Go to my favorite fictional world and have two of my favorite characters die. I don't want to deal with mean teachers and go to a bad school. I wod absolutely love to go to my favorite fictional world because that would be so awesome. Oh and tbh I don't think I'd be that disappointed if two of my favorite fictional characters died.

May 22nd 2015<>Q2 you know those really awesome and cool dreams you get once in a lifetime? Have you had any? What was it about?

Yes and I love them. I never want to wake up. There are other dreams that aren't as amazing as those, but they're still so good that I'm disappointed when I wake up. I had a pretty good one 2 days ago. They're usually just me being around people I really care and people that I have a crush on but have no chance in person.

May 23rd 2015<>Q1 What do you think of authors killing off main characters? How do those deaths affect you?

It depends because some characters I understand. Like in Harry Potter I understood most of the deaths. Except for Fred. And I think we all remember when Brian from family guy died. I mean at that point I had started disliking him, but when he died I started to cry. I didn't over exaggerate like other people did. I didn't understand when they killed a lot of people off in one episode. Like Mort's wife and Diane Simmons. I didn't understand that, but I didn't cry.
Liked by: Amy

May 22nd 2015<>Q3 If you know or have a friend who's too self conscious about themselves, is there anything you would like to say to them? Why?

Yes, my very shy friend is so self conscious. I have about 2 more extremely self conscious friends. I mean we're not as self conscious as we were in middle school, but middle school ruined all our self esteems so a lot of us are self conscious. Not as much as those three. I would tell them that we all have our flaws and we can't expect ourselves to perfect. Remember that we also have good things about us and to quit focusing so much on our flaws.
Liked by: Amy

May 22nd 2015<>Q5 How do you feel about parents going through your phone? Do your parents ever go through your phone? If yes, how would/do they react if you wouldn't let them? (I know for a fact if I do my parents will get suspicious and super pissed)

I don't feel ok with it. Yes, I'll admit my m bought me my phone as my birthday present last July but I deserve my privacy. She understands that and that's why she never goes through it. Actually about three and a half years ago my dad bought me one for Christmas and months later my m tried to look through it. My mom always thinks I want to look through her phone. She lays it down and I reach my arm to get something else and she freaks out. I know what she's hiding from me, so I don't need to look through it. Anyways we all deserve our privacy. I send inappropriate messages to my friend when we're joking and I don't want her to see them. Oh and I do let her look at some of my pics, but once she starts swiping I get nervous because I have some inappropriate pics. Actually my phones has different galleries. Like screenshots, camera, messenger, snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. I only have two for messenger and none for IG. I definitely would freak out if she started looking through my screenshots and Twitter.

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Flashback Friday!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg59q4puhmg Is it defeatist and illogical to fight over men? Or is this a legitimate way to prove that you love your man? BQ: If you're into women, replace "men" with "women" for the question. BQ2: Favorite Canadian rock star?

I'm into both and if you mean physically I would never fight over anyone physically. If I have to prove to them that they mean something to them by fighting someone then they're not for me. It'll be different if I fucked up and I really love them and someone else has their attention. I still wouldn't fight physically, but I would show that I messed and how much they mean to me. I guess that would technically be fighting for them, but not physically.

What would you do if the Kardashians showed up at your house looking for a confrontation after they read your answers about them on ask.fm.? BQ: Do you think your local police would help you if a celebrity threatened you? Please explain.

Re answering because I didn't explain. I don't think they would show up because I've never said anything mean about them. I prefer the Jenners over the Kardashians. Especially Kendall. She's bae???. Young Bruce was also very handsome. If I had said something mean about the Kardashians, I doubt they would care. I mean I'm sure hate gets to celebs, but I doubt they would even bother with me. If they did threaten me, then I'm sure my local police would do something. But since they're rich, they have bail money.

Where do you want to go on your dream vacation?

My dream vacation would be traveling all over the world by plane.

What things should you never tell your parents?

That they're ugly or that they're terrible parents. Actually some parents are so horrible that they need to be told. Oh and I'm sure most parents don't want to hear about your sex life, so unless you have an open relationship where you can talk about anything then go ahead.

have you ever popped a balloon? or a balloon animal? which one?

You already asked me this months ago and you even gave me your kik.


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