

Ask @jocygabyg

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Just a heads up. I'm typing up my Harry Potter themed spam right now (don't worry, you don't have to know anything about the books/movies. I'll be sending it out to you shortly. If there's something you don't want to answer or don't know how to answer, please just delete it. Thanks :)

Great questions and I promise I'll answer them all. I want to apologize for any grammatical errors I make. As I'm typing them I don't notice all of them. I read over my answer before answering it and I manage to find some. However, I don't notice all of them till after I answer my question and by then it is too late.

Sirius Black: Be a little creative here. Hypothetically, if you were to be sent to prison, what do you think it would be for? How would you handle it? What kind of role would you assume in the prison?

Honestly I would cry and cry so much. I'd probably get my ass beat everyday and unfortunately raped as well. Even if it was just a night in jail I would be so scared. I would call my mom and cry and tell me to get me out of here. If for some strange reason I had to go to jail for a long time I would feel like killing myself. If I was there I would try to make friends with people and not start problems. I'm naturally thin and people may think well I can kick her ass, but when I have to defend myself I can. Unfortunately if they've been there for a long time and are bigger I think I would have almost no chance. I don't plan on doing anything illegal like killing, raping, robbing, etc. Who knows I could get framed. If that were the case I would try so hard to make sure people knew that I was innocent. Only time I would kill would be self-defense and I hope it never comes to that. I could be in there for drugs even though I don't do them, but I might make bad decisions(hopefully not). I might be a dumb drinker and get a DUI. If I were to get arrested for that I would probably get in more trouble for underage drinking. I drink like once a year and when I do I'm not the one driving and I don't plan on ever drinking and driving.

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Liked by: jennifer.✌

Draco Malfoy: Do you feel that you can be judgmental of others before you get to know them? Explain.

I feel like we all can. However, I really try not to be. At first glance I'll admit I may judge them and then immediately think no this isn't like you. I know we all make mistakes and that we all have different opinions about things. I don't even judge drug addicts. Drug addiction is a serious problem and I doubt it's that easy to break away from. I have friends who call them fucking dumbasses and I get mad because who knows why they decided to start it and once you start it it's hard to deal with it. Doesn't make them any stupider our smarter than us. Sometimes I'll heard rumors about people and how rude and stuck up they are and they look like it. However, they're nothing close to it. They're usually very kind and one of the nicest people I've met. Some people just had serious faces(like me) and people may not like them and say oh he's rude or she's a bitch. I haven't judged someone's personality based on rumors for 3 years now, but I should've never.

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Minerva McGonagall: If you could transform into any one animal at will, which animal would you choose and why?

Probably a dog. People love dogs and they're just so loveable, caring, cute, helpful, and I absolutely love them. I've also wanted to be a lion at times. They're just so gorgeous, big, and powerful.

Ron Weasley: Tell me about your best friend.

I met my current best friend in middle school, but we didn't talk much. We had some of the same friends. We were just friendly with each other. Freshmen year we had most of the same classes, so we talked. Then a couple weeks in the school year she tells me a secret and I'm like wtf are you telling the truth. I didn't believe her because it was only like 3 weeks into the school year. When got more into the school year we told each other everything. We just trusted each other. She's very loyal. There were also these two guys and I met the 1st guy in 6th grade and we were kinda friends. In 7th grade we became better friends and he introduced me to his other friend and all three of us became very good friends. In 8th grade me and the guy became better friends and later in the school year we started drifting apart from the 1st guy I was friends with. By freshmen year I only talked to one. Sophomore year the 1st one annoyed me and me and the other one became better friends, but sadly junior year we drifted apart and starting this semester I started talking to the 1st guy again. I really miss the 2nd guy tho. Both of them are cool tho.

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If you were a doctor, will you safe the life of a legally condemned person who will be executed after few days?

I would because it would be my job to try and save that person. I wouldn't be the one executing them. Another reason is maybe they want to do something with their last couple days of life. I also can't imagine myself having the power to save someone and then saying no to them.

Flashback Friday!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwBS6QGsH_4 Summer is just around the corner. Are you excited? BQ: All-time favorite summer jam?

Summertime sadness-Lana del Ray
Summer breeze- Seals and crofts
Wipe out- The surfaris
The one that goes it was an itsy bitsy yellow polka dot bikini
There's this song from the movie grease that I've heard millions of times and idk the name. Just says tell me more tell me more.
I heard get lucky by daft punk counts as one, so I would choose that as well
This which is called summer nights
Oh and I'm not excited. Fucking hate summer. Gets too hot. All those damn mosquitoes. First we gotta get through spring.
http://youtu.be/eNdmbhj7UhQjocygabyg’s Video 126435347873 eNdmbhj7UhQjocygabyg’s Video 126435347873 eNdmbhj7UhQ
Liked by: Thomas

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

I never fall asleep in school. Even in nap time in kindergarten I never fell asleep. No matter how sleepy I am. Ok there was once. Last year at the beginning of the school year my insomnia was terrible and I would only get one hour of sleep, so halfway through the school day I couldn't take it. I didn't fall asleep though. I just felt my eyes closing and the weight of my head keeping me from falling asleep. A couple months later I had this project for calculus and I procrastinated with it. I stayed up all night working on it. I felt like crying and I only got to lay down for 5 minutes. I get to my 1st period and I put my head down for a couple seconds and I knock out, but only for a minute and I woke up. I thought wtf usually when I put my head down and try to fall asleep in class it just wakes me up more. I was si tired that day. I get to 2nd period and not as sleepy because I had to present my project. I was nervous. I get to 3rd and I'm like I can't take this. I get to lunch and quickly finish my lunch and I tell my friend wake me up at the end if I fall asleep. I stay awake for a bit and I'm like I probably won't. Next thing I know I've been sleeping for 15-20 minutes. I get to my 4th period, which is my last and I feel a bit better. Not many people noticed because I sat on the stage and there's like 4 tables up there and they're small. My other friend who was sitting at my table told me I noticed you were asleep during lunch.

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What is your definition of the best kind of love?

The one from your parents. They love you unconditionally. No matter how much you fuck up they love you. Well I try not to fuck up. They're the ones that deal with your bs the most. They're that have tried to help you out the most. The one you get from your boyfriend or girlfriend is pretty great too.

Do You Think Our President Is A Good President?

Walter Ramirez
Mixed feelings, but the economy is pretty good right now even though people will complain. People complain, but people always complain about everything. Employment is down, no inflation or deflation, stock market has tripled, and more I believe. Better than how Bush left it in 2009. Bush imo has been one of the worst presidents. I heard Clinton was pretty great.
Liked by: Walter Ramirez

Do you think girls do some exercises to be fit and healthy and it's their lifestyle or just to impress guys?

Some do it for both and some only do it for one of them. Some are lesbians so I'm sure they wouldn't care about impressing guys.

Which famous person have you met or been close to?

Gibby from iCarly. He was at the mall and I was like oh shit. I've seen Snooki, Keri Hilson, Dwayne Johnson.
Liked by: Hannah Bertrand

what was a typical butt whoopin like for you?

Just a freaking butt whooping. I was hit with la chancla, el cinto, y con la mano.

what is your favorite movie? #dubtrackFM

I don't have a favorite movie, but I'll mention some pretty awesome ones. Maze runners, Now you see me, Shrek, Hunger games, Saw, Scary movie 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. There's also Neighbors, Toy story, Harry Potter, Diary of a Wimpy kid, and more.

Would you date someone a little bit younger than you like a high schooler?

Of course lol why not. I mean I know some high schoolers older than me because they failed or were held back for coming to this country late, so they're older than me. I know juniors and we're only about 6 months apart because again they failed or were held back for another reason. I also have people know haven't failed, but my birthday is late in the summer and theirs is at the beginning of the school year. Because of that we're only like a month or two apart. I'm also one of those girls that doesn't freak out if they date a guy younger than them. I like to keep a 3 year difference at the most. Also, my last few crushes have been younger than me. I'm also high school age.

60 likes = 70 likes + follow ? you give me first then i will back you obviously :)

Nope because people never do them back.

What keeps you holding on in this life?

There are negative things in life, but also positive. Waiting to see what life has waiting for me and also scared. My family does. I wanna make them proud. Sometimes I see people with their kids and I love the thought of having kids. For now I also plan on leaving this country, which will be hard. It'll be hard adjusting to my home country, but for now I feel like that's the best place for me.


Language: English