
Julian MacDonald

Ask @julianmac11

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Abby likes you a lot, it's really obvious and you guys would be cute

I don't know about that but I like your thinking, I don't know if I'd date her cus my bestfriend just like broke up with her an I wouldn't wanna do that to him

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First callie than you tried o flirt with sarah now abby D haha "one girl"

Man Callie's been my best friend since grade 6, an who the fucks Sarah

"You're 'probably' not" hah. Fuckboy.

Ok then, man anon you're a bitch an I'm not much of a fuckboy assuming I've only been talking to one girl for like a month now

If you pap of the socks that your wearing rn I will like 250 of your answers!!!

Man fuck that Alex's mom is wearing leggings right now, good moment

Lol does she think your in elementary? Lol cant believe she sent you to the hall XD

Ya she's a lil beach

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

Well today Shane got sent to the office for being a lil beach to ms Russell an then after about like 30 min I went to get a drink an I told Shane he could come back to class even tho he couldn't so when he got back to class I was like just kidding you're not aloud back than ms Russell asked who could say you could come back and then he said I did so I got sent to the hall for like an hour ffs


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