
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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she was right btw have you seen nicki she was meant to be coming to propose to me

Playing the Nicki card.
Liked by: Diego James lace

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Pm: I already flushed them while I was talking to Aidan. I don't smoke weed or anything. Just pop a pill when I'm feeling down and go for a wander into the forest to the stream, but I can deal without them. I just feel shitty now because I don't think he does like me tbh

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
PM: Well its good you flushed them. Dont beat yourself up about it okay Char? Im sure he adores you.

[[ why does mere live in the boys dorm? wouldn't see be caught and suspended? ]]

I actually want to plan a drama about how she gets caught

Pm: I've been crying a lot tonight so weh

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
Pm: :L Well i hope things get better for you Charlie. Please stay away from drugs okay? Dont lose yourself to them. Im always here if you need to talk again okay?

Pm: Well, I'm tall, so ;) I love swimming, I get Ai to come to the lake with me. But it's not just something to do, it's my way of like...coping

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
PM: I wish i was shorts would look so much better on me if i were taller. I used to swim a lot but I've gotten ou of it I'm doing softball though its pretty fun especially if im like in a bad mood i get to hit things with a bat yeahhh lol i sound demented. Well just go swimming a lot and relax watch some movies cry a little its okay to cry

Pm: Omg, but I'm close to his height. I can drag him down to the barbers. I'm trying. Plus I only really drink when people buy me them. Like after thus morning I felt kind of shitty so I got dressed up and went out and guys just bought me drinks

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
PM: I come up to his shoulder i think he got taller since i last saw him. Try a new hobbie like swimming or just drink coffee instead of alcohol.

Who did you lose your virginity to?

Leo. I made him stop like two minutes in because ow and we watched sponge bob afterwards.
It was the most awful night in the universe. Was not special at all.

[Definitely] Pm: That's why I pulled his shirt out, he looked like someone that would knock on your door and want to talk about Jesus. But ew lets not get to that stage. He wants me to give up the drink and drugs, which should be ok. But yeah idk

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
PM: My mom was interested in the Mormon faith once and they wouldnt leave us alone for six months. SIX. I really hope he doesnt grow it out that long I think the school staff wold say something though so dw. Yeahhh i think you should probably give that up too :L

[Prolly, Hi Deano] Pm: Aha yeah, I told him to have a shave cus sometimes he looks like a homeless man. A very hot homeless man. Especially with the hair. Yeah I'll try give him time I guess, but it's hard like, I can't really leave him alone cos I still want him at the same time

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
{ Yeah he is he's a guilty stalker. }
PM: He has the whole lumberjack mountain man thing going on if he waited a little long he could be on duck dynasty :P Yeah definitely give him time try your hardest it'll all be okay Char dw.

Pm: I know and he's gotten even hotter ): [of course xD] Ehm he knows I like him anyway

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
{ I wonder if Deany's reading hi deany bo beany fee fie fo feeny Deanyy lol never again }
PM: He grew a stubble did you see his stubble? I wish James would grow stubble. Im sticking with he solution i call giving him time to come around let it sort itself out.

Pm: Ow :/ but I pm'ed him. He just wants to be friends. But I've liked him since the last time he was here. I had a crush on him then but now it's like. I can't even describe it..

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
Pm: He's probably scared he'll ruin things with you (yes i am stalking their pms xD ) I know i had a crush on him too he's very good looking. Ohhh that. Well uhm does he know you feel indescribable feelings for him or?

He said he missed the old Charlie and told me to 'Do something'. So I did. I pulled him into me and kissed him. And he actually kissed me back, but then pulled back and said neither of us were 'ready'. I think I'm just going to leave him alone. I've just fucked up so bad

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
PM: He's just being Aid he's kind of weird with girls i don't know if you know that or not but yeah he's weird about it. No he needs friends dont just leave him alone he's a good guy he'll let it go you have to let it go too dont linger on your mistakes you're only human shit happens especially when you're drunk take it from someone who knows I shattered a bottle on the floor when James and I were arguing once and called him every name in the book and said awful awful things and he came around..Aid will do the same trust me.

Pm: He looked like a Jehovah's Witness gone wrong. Well I was pretty drunk after I apologised so he put me in his bed and tried to sleep on the couch, but I just wanted food, so I got up and went to the kitchen then he gotta kind of pissy because I think he wanted to sleep and then he said [TBC]

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
( reading )

Pm: Well I haven't been sleeping, I skipped classes and went to his dorm, I was standing behind him and made a joke about how when he got back from his classes I'd be in his bed, meaning just a nap. I then pulled his shirt out of his trousers, because he looked dorky, he took it totally wrong

Charlie Bear ➳ ♔
PM: Oh man. Well I can see how he took it wrong he's not the best with jokes. So you kissed him after you apologized and he left? I guess the best thing to do right now is give him time. Message him an apology a very good one and just wait to see what he says. He'll come around just get some rest or at least try to sleep and give him space thats all you can do.


Language: English