
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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PM; Hmm

PM: I promise you it'll be fine Leo's a dumby you could probably tell him it meant something else and he'd probably believe you.

PM: Later today? If you're not busy again that is.

PM: Yeah today sounds good. I don't think I have anything going on today anyways lol make sure to being your boots okay so I don't have to carry you :P

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PM: Hey sorry I didn't make it last night, kinda got held up.

PM: Hey. No its fine i had to help at work and I meant to message you but i was busy :L Some time soon though yeah?

PM; There's a chance he'll come on though I guess

Pm: dont worry lace it;ll all be fine if he answers just keep calm

PM; No I kinda did it hoping he would and now I regret it

PM; ohhh :L Well he left so he probably wont see it boo but its good you got that off your chest

Didn't you like Aidan once upon a time?

Lol once upon a time. that's cute.
Well..yeah a little. I mean he's such a good guy it's hard not to like him. He's a cutie too so.

PM; I told him I loved him and I hope he doesn't see it and shit I'm scared

Pm: you pm'd him hoping he wouldnt see it? Lace dont be scared I told him i loved him countlesss times and he didnt say anything about it.

Ur also a white girl you drink starbucks all the time.

Because where i get my coffee from defines my race.
Keep it up. What else can you stereotype me with?

xD face makes u a scene kid

I dont see how using that emoticon defines who i am as a human being. Wait i forgot you've majored in profiling people by their behavior so you certainly must know that by using that emoticon definitely makes me a scene kid right? Because I dress like one too right? Oh and I tease the shit out of my hair too?
If people dont stop stereotyping....

this is you majority of the time " xDDDDDDD "

I dont remember adding that many D's to that emoticon. Lol D's
Liked by: lace

Who was the last person you said thank you to?

the senior who let me into the dorm i kinda left my key inside so when i got home from work i couldnt get in lol silly me

Do you like to dance?

You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the dancing queen

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

Someone just kill Zimmerman already.


Language: English