
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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What were you doing at Toys R Us?

Lemme re-answer cuz typos
We were getting a monsters inc toy for my baby sister because she really loves boo
and I was reminiscing on my child hood going through all the aisle with my younger but older than my youngest sister and we were like being nerds because we used to set up action figure villages so we were looking at action figures and just it was my childhood wrapped up in one store i couldnt deal
I want the animal crossing game someone please but it for me.

Mere ignore the anons because they're pricks ok and tbh they should fucking know by now that if anyone hurts you they'll have me and Francis to answer to, tbh I don't even think James intends on hurting you so yeah { so did I :/ not putting up with it now though }

Thanks lace x (: I know he wouldn't do that these Anons judge people too quickly.
{yeh same xD}
Liked by: lace

I know, there's no need. You'd think by now people would know we use whoever we want as a site model and our charries do whatever we want them to do

I think it's because I used to listen to them and let them push me around I guess. I d e k

We love you mere. We don't want you to get hurt again. I'm telling you if you get into this with James he'll break your heart.

I'm not even bothering to read this.
I don't want your help.
Let me make my own damn decisions quit trying to act like you're my god damn mother.
Liked by: Diego James

I know, there's more bullying because it's all anonymous. I just block and delete now!

Same lol I just see it and I'm like eugh *le block *

Mere your romantic interest is a prick.

I swear to god if you assholes start this shit again I might explode. I might. I just might.
Liked by: Diego James

Exactly omg I can trust like 4 people.

Same baha. Oh my god this is so highschool. Sometimes I think we have more ooc drama then actual character drama.
Liked by: lace

{ same, probably like half of Aledale }

That's actually kind of a sad thought once you think about it. You're in a club with people who secretly hate your guts. You have no idea who they are but they're there.
Liked by: lace Merlin.

{ exactly, like when I was using vanessa, I was like WHAT A FUCKING SHAME TOUGH }

Cass found me an sm for mere though but I change so fucking much I'm just like dkxknandnxnd
You have no clue how much hate I get for this particular subject I have blocked so many people.
Liked by: lace

Okay guys

Merida Rosalind
I was going to bring Jen back but no because I simply cannot deal with ditsy characters anymore because it literally annoys me to rp them or even thinking about rping them SO
Im going to make a new charrie or just use one of my other accounts cuz i cbb to make a new one
but im Using Taylor Marie Hill cuz shes gorge but i dunno what she should be like so if you have any suggestions
please do not hesitate to help me because yeh.
shes so pritty omg

What do you want to know about the future?

Im done now i was just trying to get my point across that ask's questions are lame as hell.
Liked by: lace


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