
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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What are you wearing right now? 

Pajama pants and a huge sweatshirt that I stole from da BFF. It's so cold in this dorm.

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Who would you date out of all the guys in the school?

( I dunno when to make her realize she likes James this is hard )
Lol I dont really think about this kind of thing.

( someone spam mere pls? Ill luv u forever }

Merida Rosalind
and thats a big deal if I luv u forever
Jere spam would be cool cuz lie i want to answer jere questions pls
any questions though like
how long are ur nails mere?
U feel me?

What makes you angry?

twisted bra straps
Most freshmen
Mrs. Telly if you dont know who she is then you're lucky
The school nurse
The cafeteria lady
Majority of the school staff okay
That kid in math class who has a shit load of pencils but when I need one he wont let me borrow one..

[[Lol I could imagine James admitting he liked her on ask and then Mere would try to avoid him as much as possible but they'd bump into each other at the dorm and she'd freak out haha]]

Oh my God. That'd actually be hilarious to rp xD Mere would lose her shit if he did it on ask though bahaha

What would you do if James just randomly told you he was in love with you? Be honest.

( I dont wanna answer this as Mere xD She'd probably just stand there and probably run away because like she's so used to James being like "ew luv" so she'd think something had like possessed him or something she'd be scared...but y'know then somehow she'd realize dat da feelin is mutual xD I really love when I get Jere q's i wouldnt mind if more was sent ;D }
Liked by: Diego James


Language: English