
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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{ Union J only have one song man ;DDDDD pft shh could have been amy }

{ OHHHHHHH well then I guess I can actually say I like them and not have people saying LEXUS U WHITE GIRL U ONLY LISTENED TO ONE SONG FAGGIT oh she like dem 2? }

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What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Uhm dont have a favorite you cant ask me that.
Cookies and cream
cotton candy
dont have a favorite

What should a real woman be able to do?

there was this amber heard gifset I saw talking about how to be a real woman or somethin yeah just do what she said.

What is the most unappetizing meal?

donuts just ugh so fucking gross. Fried dough smothered in like sugary glaze stuff,

What's the perfect place for a first date?

NOT in a movie theatre.
Do you know how many times Im called into auditorium 7 to shine a flashlight on two very affectionate love birds and have to tell them to get out.
Stop doing that. STOP.
Liked by: Simone Weaver

{ I have slept all day}

Merida Rosalind
My mom told me to wash clothes with like details and shit when she woke me up I dont remember half of what she said. Something about towels. idfk

{{ OOC: What is one good quality about your character? I know people hate OOC questions but this is in relation to your character so.. :] }}

One good quality? Uhm Mere's very into justice she'll stand up for anyone if they dont for themselves she'll go all mama bear for people xD

Do you believe in aliens?

Yes because I have watched dark skies and Im now scared of every airplane that I ever see in the sky at night.

Post a pic of yourself?

James likes to wake me up by taking pictures of me and threatening to put them on the internet which doesn't really work if I happen look cute by the way :P

#francis#periodproblems OOC my ask is filled with OOC it's hard 2 tell y'know?

Vagina waste
#meredontcare #urfaultudidnttakemidol { Yehs ame here with mine sometimes xDD }


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