
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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What was your favorite subject in school?

I really like drama class I did makeup for one of the school plays it was so much fun (:
Liked by: Juli.

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You have me so confused I don't even who I am myself. I tried to say something nice to you and you are not gracious enough to accept it. So be it.

Liked by: Juli.

What are you always late for?

{ so guys I've looked into so much stuff lately and I think I may have finally found an actual job my last part of the GED test is this weekend and I am more than likely going to be enrolling for the Disney college program. Bring it on yo. }
Liked by: Juli. chris

I was not mocking you - I really liked your answer, I can't give it a "like" because anons don't do that,

I just didn't want me to know who u r
Liked by: Juli.

your eyes are tiny though so that makes you not pretty haha

Good maybe theyre like that so i dont have to see your ugly face (:
Liked by: Juli.

How ticklish are your feet?

Liked by: Juli.

{ surveys on the ground maybe? Idk i've been wondering that for 2 years cause they do climate stuff so surely it's geographical not geological? Silly willies And it's the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology Basically the USGS in the Philippines It's just more active over there so }

Oh awesome that'd be funnn going to see volcanoes (: don't get melted tho
Liked by: lace

{ United States Geological Survey, dude ur American u should know this shit ;)) they monitor all active volcanoes and earthquakes and such, so yeah I really wanna work for them, or PHILVOLCS }

Survey??? What they doing surveys for??
I didn't know like I'm oblivious to a lot of things and I'm not even going to try to guess what that last thing is

(Ever broken a bone?)

Lol my arm and my ankle
My arms a funny story actually. Cuz I was playing with my sister on this tennis court when I was like in fifth grade and she threw a tennis ball and I tried to catch of course but I tripped bc I'm not blessed with gracefulness and I tried to catch my self from hitting the ground by breaking the fall with my arm and I started crying cuz it hurt and my mom was playing tennis with her friend and she was all like "what happene" and I told her I hurt my arm y'know still crying and she tells me I'm fine. We go home and my mom gives me a wrap like an icy hot wrap and I got to sleep and wake up and my arm is completely swollen
So we found out I broke it and I got a cast and I went to disney world with it and Donald Duck signed my cast I was so happy.
Liked by: Juli.

{ YOU'RE A YEAR YOUNGER THAN MY MUM ur guna be bezzie m8s ;))) probably did lol, did research today for the 1980 eruption lateral blast and that whoop earth science for the win omg I want to work for the USGS }

It erupted again in 2008 so I'm not delusional thank god I felt really insecure with my knowledge for a second. Annnnnd I have no clue what USGS is what is it?

{ Wait what St Helens erupted in 1980??? I thought you were 16 lol my bad, or was there a minor eruption post the 1980 eruption? And yus, it's a massive caldera and lol don't get me started on volcanoes unless you want me to talk about them all night }

It erupted again like in the early 2000s I think.
I believe it was St. Helens.
I lied I'm 37

{ I will probably die anyway cos yolo but I want Yellowstone to erupt that's really bad isn't it sorry America }

Yellow stone is a volcano?
Omg underneath the colosseum where I live is like this old old old dormant volcano it's like deep under ground it's awesome.
Well people told me about it.
I'm not sure if it's real.
Omg I remember when St. Helens erupted I was so little omg I remember watching it on the news.

{ It'll take way more than 4 months, a year at least, maybe 2 I guess }

Twould be pree bad. People thought everyone was gonna die on tumblr no you'll just have a lot of pissed off people who can't go into the ocean until people clean it up.

{ Exactly. It's fucking ridiculous. We're 16 year old girls and we know something needs to be done. Obviously it's not going to just 'blow over' and they need to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING FOR IT TO BE UNDER FUCKING CONTROL }

Honestly they just need to start cleaning this shit up and then shut the fuck down before they start an international nuclear crisis. If a strong earthquake happens and the tanks burst the water in those tanks spread FAST and it'll probably take much much longer than four months to clean the mess up. That'll more than likely be worse than the BP oil spill much much worse.

{ That's what I read as well. Shit. And earthquakes aren't something you can prevent or predict so we're going to have no idea when it's going to happen and what scale it's going to be. Shit. }

{ lol exactly. And the company who owns Fukushima is assuring us they have everything under control. Uh no you fucking don't. And they can't simply get rid of the water which is pretty stupid.
Nuclear radiation should not have even been messed with in the first place I mean look at Chernobyl. }
Liked by: lace


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