
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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PM: I'll bring it back babes, dw ;) nd yeah, will I cum over to your dorm?

leo beckett
PM: Okay but you'll really have to try I wont be easy on you ;] Yeah sure just dont get caught :P

PM: so I see ;) and nah, I was always like this aye

leo beckett
PM: I still have old Mere tho just way deep down :P You done studying?
( hey yeh i wanna rp guh )

PM; fuck, what has this school done to you? ;))))

leo beckett
PM: Turned me into an innocent little saint :P Seems to have done quite the opposite to you though ;)

PM; nah babes, it's fine. So, hook up with anyone since me? (;

leo beckett
PM: Uh no not really I just hung out with a few guys I dont like slutting around baha.

PM: yeah, don't worry. Like, I haven't seem her since..I feel really bad babes

leo beckett
PM: Ok. (: I feel bad for bashing you over ask all those times :L

You liked like 20 of my answers or omg are you hacked xD

Oh xDDD No it me its Lexus I promise
I was just bored xD

PM; no, seriously babes, I wasn't lying. You know how she is. { oooooh yeah lolxD aha, this'll be interesting so hehexD }

leo beckett
PM: We'll talk tomorrow then I guess. Im not mad anymore Leo i got over it I just cant stand the girl.
( yayay (: )

{ yus. I'm not online rn but we could do it tomoro or sumthang? Idrm :) } PM; eh, yeah. { I can't even remember what he said lol O.o}

leo beckett
PM: thats reassuring.
{ He was saying how it was all Aria and not him xD yeh Idm either Mere's just boring me I want to get back into rping again xD }

PM; meh, in my dorm but I hv a big test tomorrow so I'm takig down some guy in the dorms notes

leo beckett
PM: Already finished my tests. Did you stil want to talk about what you said the other day to me or?
{ We still doing that idea? xDD }

What is the safest place in the world?

Wanna know why? Cuz its a fucking high security boarding school thats why.

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

Either she is so ugly that you have to stare
Something on her face
She has a kid with her and the kid is throwing a fit so everyone is looking
She just sneezed very violently
She looked at him first
Because she has a nice ass


Language: English