
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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{ Im not a directioner but i had a dream about Zayn Malik xD okay so Zayn and I walked into the star wars looking thing and this cable picked him up...

Merida Rosalind
and was like "You have 24 minutes to save him or he will never wake up" and Im like fucking hell so I had to hit something with a rock and I saved Zayn-y oh and like then it turned into a nightmare because I was going to meet this guy and I did but then he turned into an old man and I was like AHHHHH EW EW EW EW and I ran off to be with Zayn xD the end. }

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What’s the most scared you’ve ever been?

well...got lost in a mountain yesterday. Was convinced i was going to be eaten by wolves for like ten minutes.

What kind of surprises do you like?

pfft the good kind cuz who would want this
*walks into dorm and finds boyfriend de-clothing blonde slutbag*

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

Leavin on a jet plannnnne
dont know when Ill be back again leavinnn

Do you like or dislike spicy food?

My soul mate is spicy food. If i could find a word that meant more than soul mate I would use it I cant express to you how much I enjoy spicy food.

What should there be in a perfect city?

i dunno Im just a small town girl living in a lonely worlllld

What are some things that make you really happy?

Funny things
Adventures traveling is an overused term :P

What are you currently addicted to?

Stalking the pokemon website as they are coming out with a new game this october.
My inner child is being pulverized by emotions of joy.

What are the most comfortable shoes?

fuzzy socks arent shoes but fuzzy socks I love fuzzy socks i have like fifty pairs
muk luk house slipper boots

What can totally impress you?

Chivalrous actions
Confidence the good kind
uhm if a person has spidey senses
if a person can make me decent hot wings
James when he cooks a decent breakfast.
lots of things.
Liked by: Diego James

If you could be invisible, what would you do?

haunt the fuck out of people i hate.
rob a bank ;D

How many books have you read in your life?

When I get questions like this its hard for me to actually perceive who sent them its either Aidan who sent this or that guy who sits behind me in english who lets me borrow his pens all the time. He hates me i think.

What topic of conversation do you consider boring?

when people go on and on about real technical shit and I have no clue whats going on and I just nod my head an look around and fake smile.


Language: English