
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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I get a fucking swaggin moustache and u care that they gave me nipples.

Diego James
hey were not even like side by side they were lopsided boobs James the only thing you have going for you in that picture is your mustaches and your legs are like two little nubs lol I have no legs xDD

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{Ok, i'm not getting it, cause it needsss to be able to run sims games xD }

Jessica .
i dont play sims so I'm fine was pissed bout photoshop though xD

{Is it good? I was thinking of getting one, but i'm not sure yet}

Jessica .
{ Well they lied. It's not a laptop its like a tablet on drugs really. So if you're into photoshop or playing the sims or something don't get the chromebook it wont work }
Liked by: Jessica .


Merida Rosalind
gettin real tire of your shit polyvore. Sat there for like ten minutes wondering if I highlight the damn thing with my cursor. First they tell you who saves your shit and now this.
Liked by: natalie

[I did high five the air, wow we're cool ;D]

Daisilee Moore
Good because that'd be awkward for me if you didn't. Totes ;D Everyone's jealous because we can high five even if we're in different countries ;DD

[lmao I only just saw the question further down, that was not me, because if it was me it would have like a gazillion xDD faces in it, bcus that's just how I roll ;D and I think I'd be able to get on any day this weekend because I have no life so ;'D]

Daisilee Moore
ahahah xDDD I thought it was either you or Taz i think thats her name ;O I'm never sure I thought it was grace idk.
Cool bean cuz I dont either HIGH FIVE FOR NO SOCIAL LIFE ;D did you high five the air? I just did

(I can. But if you do end up moving it. I can't make Saturday (: )

May move it to Sunday idek it depends


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