
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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{ Do you ever have moments wher eyou see someone asked about your charrie in like one of those picture rate things and you're just like who would do that why not ask about their own charrie u kno? Then you see it happen again its just like wtf.. #howifeelrightnow }

Merida Rosalind
Lol idek

What is on the walls of the room you are in?

well taped pictures behind my bed on the wall so everyone knows its mine cuz one time i came home and this guys was passed out and i was like bitch move so i had to sleep on the couch which sucked.
Liked by: lace Diego James


Merida Rosalind
Liked by: lace

OOC: describe your personality? (: xo

okay i'll just reanswer this lol
Depending on my mood I;m either shy or very outgoing it depends on my mood simple as. Sometimes i have confidence sometimes i dont. I'm really weird okay I have a weird sense of humor and I do stupidly weird things like make weird animal noises fir no reason when I;m with my best friends and my friends are cool so they dont look at me like "Ew alexis wot" and people say I;m really naive i dont think so but thats what people say i think its because i have as much experience with guys as i do as being the president of the united states hehehe. Believe it or not I;m actually really sensitive and I hate being that way with all my heart but i just seriously can;t help it. Little things make me upset and I overreact and i take things the wrong way so fucking easily and i guess thats why Im not the easiest person to stay friends with xD I think I'm really annoying and I;m very childish and people say I;m flirt without even realizing it idek I'm just a very odd person who happens to be a teenage girl all at once so like yeah xD

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Pm: Did she seriously fucking touch you? I'm talking to her, that little bitch.

PM: well she came up to me and James at the rave and I poured her drink on her since she was being rude and then she slapped me after that and then boom bam.

Pm: Mere what happened? O:

PM: The lovely Danielle beat the everloving shit out of me in front of james..lol she such a fucking whore and I'm so hammered well slightly hammered i think I;m tipsy oh no lol


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