
Merida Rosalind

Ask @justmere

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Pm: She annoys the fuck out of me but I was nice to her and she told me she likes James.

Danielle Akili
Pm: you're still hooking up with James? Lol I doubt James likes her back I really do.

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PM: Yea, it maybe awkward though. What about you?

Danielle Akili
PM: yeah. I know no one except for Audrey though and no offense to Audrey but she annoys the hell out of me.

what are you thinking about right now?

The voice

if you had a boyfriend would you fart infront of him?

... I don't really think about that kind of stuff. I think I'd be extremely embarrassed

OOC People down here are fucking stupid. The principle hates me because I told him off when he quit the GSA club. And this guy in my class yelled there are still lesbians and now my nickname is lesbo.

Danielle Akili
Just stick through it highschool kids are dumb all throughout highschool you only have one more year left and the you're free (:

OOC no this guy been getting around and this big drug sell too. xD she introduced all her friends then just said to her friends, this is the girl who claims to be toward girls. I was like -.-

Danielle Akili
awww poor Miranda xD I'm sorry I wouldve been like "HEY DAT SHIT AINT COOL "

OOC they called prom off right now. And at the whole speech about it she was like oh your that girl in the bathroom. xD

Danielle Akili
They called off prom because of that? I would have flipped my shit you cant just cancel prom no. That is the time where girls can go look for dresses and get all sparkly and feel like a princess.
I hate I;m missing my prom but hey I get to go to disney for my birthday :P

(I was typing something out on chat I was like "are you april foolsing? srry if ur not but I don't trust anything on today :P")

Diego James
omg luke xDD I wouldve died omg people were blowing up my chat like crazy and i was just like trolololol xDD

I'd love to swim naked with you

Lovely but I'll pass you up on that offer. Unless you're Chris Hemsworth.

OOC I heard these girls in the bathroom and they were so mad at not being pregnant and they asked me if I was. xD I just threw my arms up and said I lean toward girls, there's no chance at all. And walked out. xD

Danielle Akili
LOL I would have flat out died omg what teenage girl would be mad they're not pregnant omg.


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